EDITORIAL: Changes…needed or nah 


Carrying a heavy burden is not the easiest thing in life, but for the rare few it’s something we know has to be done because others are not going to pick it up. 

Over the years I’ve penned quite a few editorials that have had significant fallout or caused major change within a group or groups of people trying to hoard everything for themselves. Humbly, if you’re on a board it’s to serve the people not the individuals on the board. 

Same can be said about politicians. Now to be honest many politicians get the raw end of the deal mainly because it’s easy to point and say, “The government screwed us again.” But who keeps putting them in power? Go on and marinate on that one.

With politicians there’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes as you probably already knew. However, it’s what is said and what deals are made to ensure they are able to get all they can for their district/voters that none ever really know or care to learn about.

Don’t get me wrong, a good number of those deals benefit the politicians as they move through the ranks of their selected political party or are given access to business opportunities that would have never been afforded to them otherwise.

Am I going to tell you the secrets? Not now, but it could be in the pipeline in the coming months. There’s a lot to cover in 2024 so I’m doing my best to prioritize from least to greatest to ensure you have all the facts and information needed to fully see the scope of the scene. 

Just remember, when it comes to drama and politics, believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. 

Keep it classy!

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