Op-Ed: Father’s Day

My grandfather Tony Schaffer and my little cousin Leonora Schaffer (Tiffany McKoy)

Father’s Day is the day that we come together to honor and appreciate the extraordinary fathers in our lives. From the moment we take our first breath, fathers assume a pivotal role in shaping our lives. They become our protectors, mentors and providers. Whether biological, adoptive or a father figure, these remarkable individuals leave a mark on our hearts.

A father’s role is becoming increasingly more important in today’s world. Both the role of the mother and the father are equally important; however, the father’s role is quite different from the mother’s.

The role of the father is underappreciated. He is responsible for providing protection, security and stability for his family. Fathers play a crucial role in teaching responsibility. A father’s role extends to providing guidance and discipline. He sets clear boundaries and expectations while offering guidance on making responsible choices.

Through their involvement, fathers help shape their child’s moral compass and teach them the importance of accountability and consequences. Fathers set boundaries, enforce rules and provide guidance, helping their children develop self-discipline and a sense of right and wrong. He is not there to be your best friend, but to guide you and shape you into the best version of yourself.

A father’s role is different for his son versus his daughter.

A father leads by example and displays integrity. He teaches his son the importance of respect, not only for others but also for himself. A father instills a strong work ethic and perseverance, inspiring his son to set goals and pursue them with determination. Balancing discipline with love, he provides guidance, teaching valuable life skills while fostering independence and self-confidence. Ultimately, a father should be a steady presence, offering unconditional love and support, empowering his son to become a responsible, compassionate and honorable man.

A father’s role in raising a daughter is very different. To raise a daughter into a strong and confident woman, her father must cultivate a nurturing and supportive environment. A good father prioritizes building his daughter’s self-esteem, reinforcing her worth and teaching her to value herself beyond societal expectations. A father teaches his daughter what healthy relationships and boundaries look like. He guides his daughter and demonstrates how a gentleman treats a lady and what to look for in a future husband.

For both his sons and daughters, a father’s role includes preparing his children for the world. He teaches practical life skills, such as problem-solving, financial literacy and resilience. By imparting these skills, a father equips his child with the tools necessary for independence and success. A father is also a role model, guiding by example. He demonstrates integrity, honesty and respect in his interactions with others. By exhibiting these values, he teaches his children important lessons about morality and ethics.

Father’s Day serves as a heartfelt reminder of the invaluable role that fathers play in our lives. With unwavering love and dedication, fathers empower their children to embrace challenges, conquer fears and pursue their dreams. On this special day, we honor and celebrate fathers, expressing our gratitude for their tireless efforts and unwavering presence. They are the steady anchors, the guiding lights and the source of unconditional love that accompany us throughout our lives. Happy Father’s Day to all of the wonderful fathers out there!

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