Arrests and incidents reported Oct. 3


Cullman County Sheriff’s Office 


September 30 

  • unlawful possession of controlled substance, unlawful possession of marijuana, unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia; Co. Rd. 222 
  • burglary; Hwy 69 N 
  • burglary; Co. Rd. 728 
  • violation of protection order; Wesley Ave. N 
  • theft of property; Hwy 31 
  • domestic violence; Co. Rd. 1435 
  • theft of property; Co. Rd. 1082 

October 1 

  • assault; Co. Rd. 1498 
  • unlawful possession of marijuana, unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia; Co. Rd. 1223 
  • domestic violence; Co. Rd. 1457 
  • theft of property; Co. Rd. 91 
  • unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia; Co. Rd. 1545 

October 2 

  • harassment; Hwy 69 S 
  • domestic violence; I 65 NB MM 306 
  • criminal mischief; Hwy 69 S 
  • domestic violence; Co. Rd. 1154 
  • theft of property; Co. Rd. 437 
  • receiving stolen property; I 65 SB MM 312 


September 29 

Brown, Alexandria R; 31 

  • possession of methamphetamine 
  • possession of drug paraphernalia-1st offense 
  • possession of marijuana 

Duke, Kaitlyn R; 21 

  • FTA-assault-child abuse-simple-family 
  • FTA-driving while suspended, revoked or cancelled 

Ford, David L; 44 

  • FTA-possession of methamphetamine 
  • FTA-driving while license suspended 
  • FTA-failure to register vehicle 
  • FTA-failure/refusal to display insurance 
  • FTA-no seat belt 
  • FTA-speeding above 45 mph on county road 

Hann, Timothy M; 34 

  • FTA-driving under the influence (controlled substances) 

Hudson, Danny R; 43 

  • FTA-possession of drug paraphernalia-1st offense 
  • FTA-possession of dangerous drugs 

Kilgore, Shelli A; 50 

  • FTA-illegal possession of prescription drugs 
  • FTA-possession of dangerous drugs 

McAtee, Jessica; 31 

  • reckless endangerment 

McClendon, Temple T; 57 

  • FTA-selling/distributing dangerous drugs 

McCormick, Kenny L; 30 

  • burglary-residence-no force 

Odell, Monica C; 41 

  • FTA-possession of methamphetamine 
  • FTA-possession of drug paraphernalia-2nd offense 

Overton, Joseph R; 31 

  • FTA-possession of drug paraphernalia-1st offense (2 counts) 

Pendergraft, Unique N; 30 

  • FTA-public intoxication 
  • FTA-disorderly conduct 

Sellers, Van T; 36 

  • FTA-speeding 

Shaffer, Dameon S; 25 

  • FTA-no seat belt 

Smith, Christian X; 31 

  • FTA-possession of marijuana 
  • FTA-public intoxication 
  • FTA-indecent exposure 
  • FTA-Violation of domestic violence protection order (2 counts) 

White, Phillip J; 62 

  • FTA-operating vehicle without insurance 

October 1 

Abbott, Kalyn W; 30 

  • FTA-driving while suspended, revoked or cancelled 

Bell, Shontez A; 35 

  • receiving stolen property 

Bradley, Jamie M; 26 

  • FTA-attempting to commit a controlled substance crime 
  • FTA-counterfeiting 

Brown, David O; 35 

  • FTA-public intoxication 
  • FTA-driving while license suspended 
  • FTA-driving under the influence (controlled substances) 
  • Violation of release order-criminal mischief 
  • Violation of release order-shoplifting 

Cavender, George W; 43 

  • attempting to elude a police officer 

Cruce, Caleb E; 19 

  • FTA-possession of drug paraphernalia-1st offense 
  • FTA-possession of dangerous drugs 
  • FTA-buying/receiving stolen property 

Davis, Lucas D; 27 

  • possession of drug paraphernalia-1st offense 
  • possession of marijuana 
  • promoting prison contraband (drugs) 

Dover, Janissa C; 29 

  • FTA-possession of drug paraphernalia-1st offense 
  • FTA-driving while license suspended 

Ellis, Adam T; 34 

  • Probation violation-selling/distributing dangerous drugs 

Frazier, Ashley B; 33 

  • selling/distributing methamphetamine 

Gandy, Ashley C; 60 

  • assault-domestic-simple assault-family 

Green, Christian B; 31 

  • possession of drug paraphernalia-1st offense 

Grimmett, Larrydale D; 53 

  • possession of methamphetamine 
  • possession of marijuana 
  • GJ-failure of sex offender to register with law enforcement (2 counts) 
  • FTA-failure of sex offender to register with law enforcement (3 counts) 

Hale, Draven K; 23 

  • counterfeiting 
  • auto theft and sale 

Harris, D’Koleman J; 21 

  • receiving stolen property 
  • possession of concealed weapon without permit 

Holland, Graham E; 33 

  • FTA-illegal possession of prescription drug 
  • FTA-possession of drug paraphernalia-1st offense (3 counts) 
  • FTA-possession of dangerous drugs (3 counts) 

Hunt, Jimmie R; 46 

  • FTA-driving under the influence (alcohol) 

Hunter, Courtez L; 21 

  • promoting prison contraband (drugs) 
  • possession of dangerous drugs 
  • receiving stolen property 
  • receiving stolen vehicle 
  • possession of concealed weapon without permit 

McKenzie, Cameron B; 27 

  • FTA-criminal trespassing 

Moctezuma, Kimberly L; 29 

  • assault-child abuse-simple-family 

Shelton, Jennifer M; 43 

  • possession of cocaine 

Sivils, Amanda C; 40 

  • FTA-possession of drug paraphernalia-1st offense (3 counts) 
  • FTA-possession of marijuana 
  • FTA-possession of dangerous drugs 

Sturgeon, Anthony M; 27 

  • Probation violation-receiving stolen vehicle 

Tabb, Alexus B; 25 

  • possession of marijuana 

Thompkins, Daniel; 23 

  • FTA-possession of marijuana 

Cullman Police Department 


October 1 

  • assault-2nd degree, assault-3rd degree; 1st Ave. S.E. 
  • domestic violence-3rd degree; 3rd St. S.E. 
  • burglary-3rd degree; Adelsheim Cir. S.W. 
  • duty upon striking unattended vehicle; damage to 2013 Nissan Rogue; $2,500 
  • domestic violence-3rd degree (harassment); Cobb Ave. S.W. 
  • unlawful breaking and entering motor vehicle; Cleveland Ave. S.W; purse and contents, damaged window 
  • domestic violence-3rd degree (harassment) 
  • duty upon striking unattended vehicle; 2nd Ave. N.W; damage to 2017 Nissan 

October 2 

  • criminal mischief-3rd degree; Catoma Dr. N.E; damage to 2014 Toyota; $200 
  • leaving the scene of accident; damage to 2015 Lexus 


September 30 

Brooks, Jacob W; 35 

  • public intoxication 

Costantini, Anthony B; 41 

  • public intoxication 

Fornefeld, Elsha C; 40 

  • driving under the influence (controlled substance) 

Gant, Michael J; 47 

  • driving under the influence 

Thornton, Gregory S; 33 

  • receiving stolen property-4th degree 

October 1 

Brown, David O; 35 

  • theft of property-3rd degree 
  • FTA-criminal trespassing-3rd degree 
  • FTA-theft of property-4th degree (2 counts) 

Dover, Janissa C; 29 

  • FTA-driving while suspended 

Olszowka, Dax M; 19 

  • domestic violence-3rd degree 

October 2 

Millar, Ronnie R; 40 

  • FTA-driving while suspended 
  • FTA-insurance violation 

Hanceville Police Department  

Incidents and arrests reported by CCSO.  

Find arrest reports online Monday-Friday at  

ullman County Sheriff’s Office


September 30

unlawful possession of controlled substance, unlawful possession of marijuana, unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia; Co. Rd. 222

burglary; Hwy 69 N

burglary; Co. Rd. 728

violation of protection order; Wesley Ave. N

theft of property; Hwy 31

domestic violence; Co. Rd. 1435

theft of property; Co. Rd. 1082

October 1

assault; Co. Rd. 1498

unlawful possession of marijuana, unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia; Co. Rd. 1223

domestic violence; Co. Rd. 1457

theft of property; Co. Rd. 91

unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia; Co. Rd. 1545

October 2

harassment; Hwy 69 S

domestic violence; I 65 NB MM 306

criminal mischief; Hwy 69 S

domestic violence; Co. Rd. 1154

theft of property; Co. Rd. 437

receiving stolen property; I 65 SB MM 312


September 29

Brown, Alexandria R; 31

possession of methamphetamine

possession of drug paraphernalia-1st offense

possession of marijuana

Duke, Kaitlyn R; 21

FTA-assault-child abuse-simple-family

FTA-driving while suspended, revoked or cancelled

Ford, David L; 44

FTA-possession of methamphetamine

FTA-driving while license suspended

FTA-failure to register vehicle

FTA-failure/refusal to display insurance

FTA-no seat belt

FTA-speeding above 45 mph on county road

Hann, Timothy M; 34

FTA-driving under the influence (controlled substances)

Hudson, Danny R; 43

FTA-possession of drug paraphernalia-1st offense

FTA-possession of dangerous drugs

Kilgore, Shelli A; 50

FTA-illegal possession of prescription drugs

FTA-possession of dangerous drugs

McAtee, Jessica; 31

reckless endangerment

McClendon, Temple T; 57

FTA-selling/distributing dangerous drugs

McCormick, Kenny L; 30

burglary-residence-no force

Odell, Monica C; 41

FTA-possession of methamphetamine

FTA-possession of drug paraphernalia-2nd offense

Overton, Joseph R; 31

FTA-possession of drug paraphernalia-1st offense (2 counts)

Pendergraft, Unique N; 30

FTA-public intoxication

FTA-disorderly conduct

Sellers, Van T; 36


Shaffer, Dameon S; 25

FTA-no seat belt

Smith, Christian X; 31

FTA-possession of marijuana

FTA-public intoxication

FTA-indecent exposure

FTA-Violation of domestic violence protection order (2 counts)

White, Phillip J; 62

FTA-operating vehicle without insurance

October 1

Abbott, Kalyn W; 30

FTA-driving while suspended, revoked or cancelled

Bell, Shontez A; 35

receiving stolen property

Bradley, Jamie M; 26

FTA-attempting to commit a controlled substance crime


Brown, David O; 35

FTA-public intoxication

FTA-driving while license suspended

FTA-driving under the influence (controlled substances)

Violation of release order-criminal mischief

Violation of release order-shoplifting

Cavender, George W; 43

attempting to elude a police officer

Cruce, Caleb E; 19

FTA-possession of drug paraphernalia-1st offense

FTA-possession of dangerous drugs

FTA-buying/receiving stolen property

Davis, Lucas D; 27

possession of drug paraphernalia-1st offense

possession of marijuana

promoting prison contraband (drugs)

Dover, Janissa C; 29

FTA-possession of drug paraphernalia-1st offense

FTA-driving while license suspended

Ellis, Adam T; 34

Probation violation-selling/distributing dangerous drugs

Frazier, Ashley B; 33

selling/distributing methamphetamine

Gandy, Ashley C; 60

assault-domestic-simple assault-family

Green, Christian B; 31

possession of drug paraphernalia-1st offense

Grimmett, Larrydale D; 53

possession of methamphetamine

possession of marijuana

GJ-failure of sex offender to register with law enforcement (2 counts)

FTA-failure of sex offender to register with law enforcement (3 counts)

Hale, Draven K; 23


auto theft and sale

Harris, D’Koleman J; 21

receiving stolen property

possession of concealed weapon without permit

Holland, Graham E; 33

FTA-illegal possession of prescription drug

FTA-possession of drug paraphernalia-1st offense (3 counts)

FTA-possession of dangerous drugs (3 counts)

Hunt, Jimmie R; 46

FTA-driving under the influence (alcohol)

Hunter, Courtez L; 21

promoting prison contraband (drugs)

possession of dangerous drugs

receiving stolen property

receiving stolen vehicle

possession of concealed weapon without permit

McKenzie, Cameron B; 27

FTA-criminal trespassing

Moctezuma, Kimberly L; 29

assault-child abuse-simple-family

Shelton, Jennifer M; 43

possession of cocaine

Sivils, Amanda C; 40

FTA-possession of drug paraphernalia-1st offense (3 counts)

FTA-possession of marijuana

FTA-possession of dangerous drugs

Sturgeon, Anthony M; 27

Probation violation-receiving stolen vehicle

Tabb, Alexus B; 25

possession of marijuana

Thompkins, Daniel; 23

FTA-possession of marijuana

Cullman Police Department


October 1

assault-2nd degree, assault-3rd degree; 1st Ave. S.E.

domestic violence-3rd degree; 3rd St. S.E.

burglary-3rd degree; Adelsheim Cir. S.W.

duty upon striking unattended vehicle; damage to 2013 Nissan Rogue; $2,500

domestic violence-3rd degree (harassment); Cobb Ave. S.W.

unlawful breaking and entering motor vehicle; Cleveland Ave. S.W; purse and contents, damaged window

domestic violence-3rd degree (harassment)

duty upon striking unattended vehicle; 2nd Ave. N.W; damage to 2017 Nissan

October 2

criminal mischief-3rd degree; Catoma Dr. N.E; damage to 2014 Toyota; $200

leaving the scene of accident; damage to 2015 Lexus


September 30

Brooks, Jacob W; 35

public intoxication

Costantini, Anthony B; 41

public intoxication

Fornefeld, Elsha C; 40

driving under the influence (controlled substance)

Gant, Michael J; 47

driving under the influence

Thornton, Gregory S; 33

receiving stolen property-4th degree

October 1

Brown, David O; 35

theft of property-3rd degree

FTA-criminal trespassing-3rd degree

FTA-theft of property-4th degree (2 counts)

Dover, Janissa C; 29

FTA-driving while suspended

Olszowka, Dax M; 19

domestic violence-3rd degree

October 2

Millar, Ronnie R; 40

FTA-driving while suspended

FTA-insurance violation

Hanceville Police Department 

Incidents and arrests reported by CCSO. 

Find arrest reports online Monday-Friday at