It’s baaccckkk

Rock the South coming Aug. 5-6

Members of the Cullman City Council are seen Thursday, July 7, 2022. (Amy Leonard for The Cullman Tribune)

CULLMAN, Ala. – The Cullman City Council on Thursday approved the required special events permit for Rock the South, which will be held Aug. 5-6.  

Performers slated to perform at this year’s music festival include Alabama, Jamey Johnson, Morgan Wallen, Colt Ford and more.  

Remembering Don Green 

Council President Jenny Folsom paid homage to former mayor Donald Green who passed away Monday. She noted his almost 30 years of service to the community on city council and as mayor. 

“Today the family laid to rest a giant of a man to the city of Cullman and our entire community, former mayor Don Green,” said Folsom. “We all extend our deepest sympathies. He has many contributions that will live on forever in our city. He was a special person to everyone he knew.” 

Councilman Clint Hollingsworth remembered how “supportive and encouraging” Mayor Green was and noted the “big impact he made on this community.” 

Summarizing it best, Folsom called Mayor Green “a truly visionary leader and a fine, fine gentleman.” 


The council urged all attendees of the July 8 2nd Fridays event to be mindful of the current heat advisory and take precautions. 

Cullman Parks, Recreation & Sports Tourism Executive Director Nathan Anderson was appointed to the CATS 55 board. CATS 55 is a public, educational and government access channel for Cullman County. Anderson is filling the seat vacated by Michael Sullins, who was recently appointed to the City of Cullman Planning Commission.  

Mayor Woody Jacobs noted the success thus far of WildWater, the city’s new waterpark, and gave an update on road work along Second Avenue Northeast, which he said should see road base work in the coming weeks. 

The following public hearings were held with no one speaking against the ordinances: 

  • Ordinance No. 2022-22 to rezone Lot 465 and Lot 466 (Klein Building) located on Third Avenue SE from M-1 Manufacturing District to CBD Central Business District, which received a favorable recommendation from the City of Cullman Planning Commission.  
  • Ordinance No. 2022-23 to rezone properties located on Eighth Street NE to B-2 Business District, which received a favorable recommendation from the Planning Commission.  

In other business, the following resolutions were approved: 

  • Resolution No. 2022-81 to extend the annual bid for concrete finishing services with Ortiz Concrete 
  • Resolution No. 2022-82 to extend the annual bid for electrical services with K & M Electrical Contractors    
  • Resolution No. 2022-83 to extend the annual bid for plumbing services with Lynn Dulaney Plumbing    
  • Resolution No. 2022-84 to award the bid for sewer materials to the lowest responsible bidder, Ferguson Waterworks  
  • Resolution No. 2022-85 to enter a professional services contract with Kiser Vogrin Design, LLC for planning, landscaping and architectural design for area around Depot Park 
  • Resolution No. 2022-86 to approve a grant application by Cullman County Museum to replace the elevator   
  • Resolution No. 2022-87 to award the bid for water repair materials to the lowest responsible bidder, Southern Pipe & Supply    

The council opted to suspend the rules for the first readings of the following ordinances. Upon their suspension, the council approved the following ordinances: 

  • Ordinance No. 2022-22 to rezone Lot 465 and Lot 466 (Klein Building) located on Third Avenue SE from M-1 Manufacturing District to CBD Central Business District, which received a favorable recommendation from the City of Cullman Planning Commission  
  • Ordinance No. 2022-23 to rezone properties located on Eighth Street NE to B-2 Business District, which received a favorable recommendation from the City of Cullman Planning Commission  
  • Ordinance No. 2022-24 to annex property located at 984 County Road 702 as R-1 residential district, which received a favorable recommendation from the City of Cullman Planning Commission  
  • Ordinance No. 2022-25 to annex property located at 230 County Road 482 as R-1 residential district, which received a favorable recommendation from the City of Cullman Planning Commission  
  • Ordinance No. 2022-26 to annex property located at 231 County Road 1320 as R-1 residential district, which received a favorable recommendation from the City of Cullman Planning Commission  
  • Ordinance No. 2022-27 to vacate and surplus property located north of 604 Fifth Ave. SW, which received a favorable recommendation from the City of Cullman Planning Commission  

The Cullman City Council meets on the second and fourth Monday of each month, unless otherwise noted, at Cullman City Hall at 7 p.m. Meetings are open to the public. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 25.