West Point High Scholar’s Bowl Team headed to National Championship in Chicago

The team that competed in Kentucky- L-R: Judd Douglas, Abigail Roy, Sophie Henry, Carter Duke, John Davis Yovino, Brodie Henry (Photo contributed by Coach Lee Henry)

WEST POINT, Ala. – The West Point High School Scholars Bowl team recently finished third of twelve at a tournament in Glasgow, Kentucky. Glasglow’s annual event invites teams estimated to be the top 10-12 “Small Schools” in the nation. West Point’s team has been invited every year, but this year was their highest finish at third place.

The team will be going to the Small School National Championship in Chicago the weekend of April 24. Coach Lee Henry says, “Registration, travel, lodging and food are very expensive. So, we are still looking at ways to make some more money. Some sponsorships or donations from the community would be awesome.”

According to Henry, the team tried to cut costs by renting a van instead of flying, but the trip will still cost about $5,000-$6,000. Henry adds, “We used to get a lot of donations and host several tournaments a year to make money. But we weren’t able to host a single tournament last school year due to COVID, and we ended up going through all our financial reserves to stay afloat. In addition to that, some of our most generous supporters over the years haven’t been able to give as much. So, we’re struggling a little. I hate asking parents to foot so much of the bill, but we will get there one way or another.”

Coach Henry has been coaching the Scholar’s Bowl team at West Point High for 10 years. He says, “We have consistently had really competitive teams since I’ve been at West Point. I think this is one of the strongest high school teams we’ve had though, and our captain is a freshman, so I’m hoping for several more strong years.”

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