Good Hope City Council passes 2022 budget at Monday meeting

(Christy Perry for The Cullman Tribune)

GOOD HOPE, Ala. – The City of Good Hope had a full agenda at its Monday night city council meeting. The council passed its FY2022 budget of $3.1 million including a 3% pay increase for the city’s employees. The budget projects an income of $3.3 million. 

Set aside in the budget is $220,000 for capital improvements including a new maintenance shop roof, a new F-150 truck, larger skid steer and $73,000 for miscellaneous needs. The budget also included $111,000 from the American Rescue Plan funds for the planned sewer expansion. 

The council passed an amendment to ordinance 014-2012 after a second reading. The amendment designates the mayor as the superintendent of Good Hope’s Wastewater Treatment Plant in addition to the mayor’s regular duties. The mayor’s salary will increase to $39,000 a year for compensation for the additional duties. 

A first reading of a proposed lodging tax took place and afterwards the council suspended the rules, thus allowing a vote to pass the new tax. The 1.5% lodging tax increase and $3 a night convenience fee will go to fund the Good Hope Parks and Recreation. The existing 3% lodging tax goes to the city’s general fund. 

In other business, the council approved the following:

  • Placement of a three-way stop at Megan Lane and Calvert Road. 
  • Resolution for Canyon Engineering Services for the sanitary sewer expansion. 
  • Resolution allowing the City to apply for AL Recreational Trails Grant FY 2022. 
  • Resolution for right-of-way acquisition and construction agreement for TAP grant for the Calvert Road sidewalk project. 

The Good Hope City Council meets the second and fourth Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. inside the Good Hope City Hall. The public is invited to attend.

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