Cullman County Commission passes county FY2022 budget

Cullman High School’s Brody Hopper (left) and Landon Franks (right) were recognized at Tuesday’s Cullman County Commission meeting. The two Bearcat anglers won the Mossy Oak Fishing Bassmaster High School Series Classic in June. (Christy Perry for The Cullman Tribune)

CULLMAN, Ala. – The Cullman County Commission passed the county’s FY2022 budget at their meeting Tuesday evening. The $67.4 million budget prioritizes “roads, revitalizing the pay scale for county employees to try to recruit and retain the best employees we can, and a plan to maintain our buildings and the assets the county has,” according to County Administrator John Bullard. Over $600,000 in road funds for the current year will carry over the FY2022. 

The commission also ratified City of Cullman tax abatements for two different economic development projects in the works. The first is an abatement for an expansion at Royal Technologies in the amount of $144,576.  Stanley Kennedy with the Cullman Economic Development Agency explained, “It’s a $2.5 million dollar investment creating 25 high quality jobs.” 

The second project is still in the negotiation phase for a project named “Project Connect.” This is a potential $49 million investment in the City of Cullman. Kennedy was able to disclose “It’s a large building expansion to increase production space for an existing industry in the City of Cullman.” The abatement is for $2.94 million. 

In other business, the commission took the following actions: 

  • Proclamation of September as Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
  • Approved North Central Highway Safety Office Agreement and authorized Chairman Clemons to sign. 
  • Passed Resolution 2021-34 CARTS third party service contract for FY 2022. 
  • Passed Resolution 2021-35 FY 2022 FAA matching funds for Cullman County Airport. 
  • Passed Resolution 2021-36 authorizing Chairman Clemons to sign construction agreement with the State of Alabama and all related paperwork for striping and installation of guardrails on County Road 1301 from SR3 (US-31) to County Road 1435. 
  • Passed Resolution 2021-37 approving Digital Information Cooperative Agreement and authorized Chairman Clemons to sign. 
  • Set public hearing on October 19, 2021 to vacate a portion of County Road 1266 in Cullman, Alabama. 
  • Approved renewal of Health Services Agreement with Southern Health Partners for the Cullman County Sheriff’s Office in the amount of $718,538.76. 
  • Approved a one-year maintenance agreement with Johnston Technologies Inc for battery back-up for the Cullman County Sheriff’s Office in the amount of $5,229.00.
  • Authorized Chairman Clemons to sign an agreement with Willoughby Construction to connect to the pump station at the Agricultural Center. 
  • Approved changes to the employee handbook. 
  • Extended employee rollover vacation time (above 480 hours) until February 28, 2022. 
  • Authorized Chairman Clemons to sign a scheduled service agreement with TRANE for the HVAC system in the Cullman County Detention Center. 
  • Commissioner Watson reappointed Brenda Scott to the Library Board of Trustees for a four-year term to expire 9/30/25.
  • Authorized Chairman Clemons to sign the Alabama Department of Youth Services long-term detention subsidy contract for FY2022. 
  • Authorized Chairman Clemons and Stephanie Lawson to sign an agreement between CARTS and Cullman County Commission on Aging. 
  • Authorized Chairman Clemons to sign the Alabama Department of Youth Services Agency Grant Agreement for FY 2021-2022 in the amount of $481,088.00 for the benefit of Cullman, Blount, Lauderdale and Jackson Counties. 
  • Approved FY 2022 ACCA Workers’ Compensation Self Insurers Fund in the amount of $504,484.24. 
  • Approved and authorized Chairman Clemons and County Administrator John Bullard to sign the NARCOG Title III Aging Contract and SenioRX contract. 
  • Surplus of a 2012 Chevy Tahoe from the Cullman County Sheriff’s Office to be donated to the Cullman County Fire Association. 
  • Surplus of a 1985 GMC 6000 truck from the Sanitation Department to be sold on GovDeals. 
  • Surplus of a 2003 300 KW Caterpillar Generator from the courthouse to be sold on GovDeals. 
  • Surplus of a 1989 T2206 Oshkosh snowplow from the Road Department to be sold on GovDeals. 
  • Surplus of a 1988 GMC 1500 truck from Parks to be sold on GovDeals. 
  • Surplus of a 2002 Chevrolet 1500 truck from the garage to be sold on GovDeals. 
  • Surplus of a Hyster H60 CLM forklift from the Road Department to be sold on GovDeals. 
  • Surplus of a 1985 F-700 Dump Truck from the water department to be sold on GovDeals. 
  • Surplus of miscellaneous office furniture from the courthouse to be sold on GovDeals. 
  • Approved purchase of playground equipment for Sportsman’s Lake Park in the amount of $92915.47 and authorized Chairman Clemons to sign all related paperwork. Grants reimbursements are pending. 
  • Approve the expenditure in the amount of $32,500.00 for water damage repairs at the Cullman County Water Department by CH Harris Inc. 
  • Extend bid #1314 Fog and Scrub to Ergon Company. 
  • Award bid #1360 Cold Laid Plant Mix to Advanced Asphalt Products. 
  • Award bid #1361 Lease of excavator with hammer to Warrior Tractor. 
  • Bid #1362 placement of surface treatment to Charles E. Watts Inc and Wheeler Contracting LLC. 
  • Bid #1363 Micro-surfacing to Whitaker Contracting Corporation. 

The next Commission meeting will be Tuesday October 19, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room. The public is invited to attend.

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