Baileyton Town Council appoints new town clerk

New Baileyton Town Clerk Nikki Fry (Christy Perry for The Cullman Tribune)

BAILEYTON, Ala.- A new town clerk was appointed in the Town of Baileyton Monday night. Nikki Fry will serve as the town’s clerk after the departure of now former clerk Pat Gilbert. Gilbert, who served as the town’s clerk for 12 years, “resigned” Friday, according to Mayor Windell Calloway.  

Gilbert did confirm to the Tribune Tuesday morning that she is no longer the town clerk but chose not to give details surrounding her decision. Mayor Calloway said of Gilbert’s departure, “She resigned. We want to thank her for her 12 years of service to the Town of Baileyton.”  

Fry had been hired after a June 16 executive session to be an assistant clerk to help Gilbert and be available in the event of Gilbert’s absence. Councilmember Dewayne Sumner abstained from the June 16 vote.  

Joe Perry with County maintenance was able to repair Baileyton’s dump truck and plans on making repairs to the town’s weather siren when he has the parts and manpower to do so. Mayor Calloway thanked Perry for his continued assistance in helping the town.  

Baileyton Bargain Days will take place this Saturday, July 17 from 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the old fire station. The town can now take debit and credit card payments and all proceeds from bargain days go to the park improvements fund. Mayor Calloway said, “We had it two weeks in a row this month due to the holiday.”  

The first phase of the park improvements have been completed and the Baileyton community will soon see new equipment at the park as phase two begins. A new play and climbing apparatus will replace the current piece that is now approximately 30 years old. “That structure needs to go away,” Sumner said. He also hopes the new swings and teeter-totter will soon be completed and installed. New mulch will also be added around the playground equipment.  

The new feature playground piece will be ADA compliant and cost $14,995. Proceeds from bargain days will fund the new equipment. Phase 3 of the park improvement plan will focus on installation of more ADA-compliant playground equipment and phase 4 will focus on walking trail upgrades. The town will continue to search for grants to help offset the improvement costs.  

The council also plans on looking into cost for new nets for the volleyball and tennis courts.  

The Roger Latham Horse Show is returning July 30 and 31 to the horse arena in Baileyton Park. Friday night will be the Tennessee Walking Horse competition, with the Racking Horses competing Saturday. The shows will begin each night at 6 p.m. Town employees have been working to have the arena ready for the popular show.  

Mayor Calloway took a moment to thank Kim Thomas of Kim’s Parkside for sponsoring the town’s recent T-ball tournament. “She helps us out a lot. Kim is a great person in the community,” he said.  

In other business, the council took the following actions: 

The council agreed to pay yearly premiums to Alabama Municipal Insurance Corporation in the amount of $14,271 for a three-year term on the town’s assets.  

The council voted to reduce this year’s senior center budget from $2,500 to $1,750 with $500 of the money earmarked for cleaning expenses. The reduction was suggested to offset the senior center being closed for the over half the fiscal year.  

The council agreed to pay someone $40 a month to clean the new Baileyton Town Hall.  

The council also approved the donation of the football equipment owned by the town.  

The Baileyton Town Council meets on the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. inside the conference room at the new town hall. The public is invited to attend. 

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