Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1917



August 19 – Ledmon L. Pugh, 23, to Aubrey Casen, 20.

August 20 – Luther Seibenhener, 21, to Elvia Pruett, 16.

August 21 – Albert Smith, 18, to Gladys Murray, 16; Asa Henry Hogland, 21, to Bertha Ogletree, 18; Cephas T. Turner, 19, to Lerone Puryer, 23 and Miles Hudson, 22, to Mozelle Smith, 18.

August 24 – Frank Kicham, 36, to Elsie Kendricks, 21 and William J. Kupinse, 25, to Mary Ellen Sandlin, 22.

Mr. and Mrs. L.O. Bailey announce the engagement of their daughter, Lyndall Eloise, to Earl Reid, of Cullman. The wedding is to take place in September.

Mrs. J.D. Moore announce the marriage of her sister, Miss Julia Mae Denson, of Birmingham, formerly of Cullman, to Mr. Bennie Earle Crow, of Birmingham, on August 21 at Ashville, Alabama.

Mrs. W.R. Griffin was a charming hostess on Wednesday afternoon, when she entertained three tables of bridge. The house was artistically decorated with a variety of summer flowers. Mrs. H.O. Thompson held high score and Mrs. Phillip Hartung won second. Both were awarded lovely gifts.

After the games, a delicious salad course was served to the following: Mesdames Phillip Hartung, Finis St. John, M.L. Robertson, Ruth Griffin, Carl Thompson, Robert Rosson, Lute Hayes,

G.W. Bledsoe, Edward Kinney, Hershel Thompson and Misses Freda and Elsa Hartung.

From The Files Of 1917:

Mrs. O. Kinney, Mrs. G.W. Johnson, Honorable and Mrs. A.A. Griffith have returned from a ten day stay in Dawson Springs, Kentucky.

Mr. George Stiefelmeyer has returned home from Canada, where he has been for the past four weeks, on a visit to his parents.

Reverend Fehlau, the popular pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church has returned from his vacation trip to North Dakota.

L.L. Otwell returned Monday from a business trip to Memphis.

Misses Freda and Amelia Hartung have returned from a visit to Bridgeport, Alabama.

Mr. Jim Bright and Mr. and Mrs. Kellett Bright are announcing the opening of their flower house, the first of September. It is located to the rear of the Jim Bright residence, on Second Street East. Mrs. Kellett Bright has taken a summer course in flower designing, at Joy’s Florist in Nashville.

Mr. C.H. Hamilton, of Hanceville, Route Four, brought the first open cotton boll to Cullman on Saturday.