Ho! Ho! Ho! Cullman Fire Rescue bringing Santa through town Dec. 20

Pixabay/Cullman Fire Rescue

“SANTA RIDE” coming to Cullman Friday, Dec. 20 from 2-9 p.m.

Here’s a special Christmas message from Cullman Fire Rescue!

***Attention city of Cullman***

Cullman Fire and Rescue has received word that Santa Claus will be in the city of Cullman Friday, Dec. 20 from 2-9 p.m. (weather permitting) and needs the fire department’s help to check his list one more time!!!

Cullman Fire will be taking Santa throughout the city with the help of the fire trucks. Santa’s sleigh is small, quick and nimble, but the fire trucks are much much bigger, therefore we will be avoiding all dead end streets without turn arounds and cul-de-sacs and roads with limited accessibility for large vehicles. If you live on one of these streets please come to the end of the street to hopefully get a view of Santa.

We will be visiting as many neighborhoods as possible and staying on “main roads” in most cases.

Listen up for the sirens and look for the flashing lights so you know Santa is close! He will be in the front passenger seat, so be sure to be a good boy or girl and wave and smile big!

PLEASE, ADULTS supervise all children and pets and keep clear of the roadways and approaching fire engines, Santa has a lot of children to see so the fire engine WILL NOT STOP and will be maintaining a steady pace to cover as much ground in our beautiful city as possible.

CFR wants this to be an enjoyable and safe experience for everyone that we can continue for many years to come!

Check this post for updates about Santa’s location and download the GLYMPSE app to Track Santa’s location during his trip!

Merry Christmas from CFR!


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Wendy Sack
