Crane Hill man sentenced to 10 years in federal prison

Danny Ray Tucker (Cullman County Sheriff’s Office)

CULLMAN, Ala. – United States District Judge Abdul K. Kallon sentenced Danny Ray Tucker, 51, of Crane Hill, on Wednesday, July 17, 2019 to 130 months, a little more than 10 years, in federal prison.

The sentence stems from a United States federal grand jury indictment for conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute methamphetamine. Cullman County CNET, along with DEA agents, arrested Tucker in February, along with six other defendants, who were all indicted by the United States Department of Justice.

Upon release from imprisonment, Tucker will be on supervised release for five years.

“I am glad we are able to work with DEA and the Department of Justice to get this drug dealer off the streets,” said Cullman County Sheriff Matt Gentry. “I would also like to say that having a tough U.S. Attorney like Jay Town, who was appointed by President Trump, we are able to fight and remove drug dealers who have been a menace to our community.”

In a previous statement on this case, Town said the arrest, as well as the other arrests, “represent the hard work of our law enforcement partners, the depth of which continues to grow, and exemplifies our collective efforts to return our neighborhoods to their rightful owners…the law-abiding citizens. For those alpha criminals convicted of federal crimes, the Department of Justice has reserved bed space in federal prison, where there is no sanctuary of parole.”

Under the Federal Truth in Sentencing program, Tucker will have to serve at least 85 percent of his time.

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