Curt’s Closet receives 114 pairs of shoes from 1 creative donor


Some of the shoes donated recently to Curt’s Closet (Photo courtesy Ashley Wilson)

CULLMAN – Curt’s Closet, the Cullman charity clothing boutique founded by Ashley Wilson in memory of her son Curtis Wilson, is holding a shoe drive through Dec. 18, with a goal of collecting 2,500 pairs of shoes for those in need and to raise funds for the organization.  One donor, Angie Patrick, and her family took a creative approach to helping out, donating 114 pairs of shoes this week.

In a post on social media, Wilson explained, “You ask ‘Where did they get 114 pairs of shoes?’  Well let me tell you! They challenged each member of their family to bring at least one pair of shoes to Thanksgiving.  What a great idea!”

In  a note to The Tribune, Patrick talked about her family’s decision to take on this project:

“Our immediate family has a list of seven core values that we like to practice in our family.  We keep that list posted in our refrigerator. And as I passed by one day, the core value ‘generous’ caught my eye.  It’s our desire for our family to practice generosity with our blessings and with our time. At that moment I felt like we needed to challenge our extended family to join us in providing shoes for Curt’s Closet.  I challenged our family to being at least a total of 100 pairs of shoes to our Thanksgiving gathering, and I was so grateful and excited to deliver 114 pairs of shoes to Curt’s Closet.”

Wilson talked to The Tribune about what will become of all the shoes donated:

“The shoes collected will either be used here at Curt’s Closet for families in need in our area; the shoes that we cannot use at Curt’s Closet will be refurbished and sent overseas to developing countries like Haiti and Tanzania, where shoes are desperately needed,” said Wilson.

“We are going through an organization out of Florida for this fundraiser.  They pay us by the pound. This is a win-win fundraiser; it will allow Curt’s Closet to raise much needed funds to help pay for monthly expenses, sponsoring of families at Christmas, and the everyday needs.  We have no paid employees, including myself, so every dollar goes back into keeping the doors (open) at Curt's Closet, so we can continue to bless families in Cullman and surrounding areas.”

In the months of October and November, Curt’s Closet served approximately 170 local children.

Wilson concluded her social media post by requesting, “I ask you to pray about asking your family, friends or co-workers to bring at least one pair to your family/work Christmas parties, to donate to Curt's Closet.  Isn't that what the Season is all about. Thank you to this special family that had this great idea and brightened my heart with such an amazing donation today!”

If you’d like to help with the shoe drive or make some other contribution, find more information at, or call 256-735-4557.  Curt’s Closet is a 501c3 nonprofit; donations are tax-deductible.

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