Colony’s summer kids’ programs going strong; Educational Complex gets improvement grant


Kids tend a raised garden bed at Colony’s Educational Complex. (Photo courtesy Town of Colony)

COLONY – After success in 2017, the Town of Colony cranked its summer enrichment program back up this year.  The program is based at the Educational Complex and includes educational components and children’s activities, in conjunction with a federally-funded summer feeding program that provides free breakfasts and lunches for participants.

The program kicked off last week with a summer garden camp led by staff from the North Alabama Agriplex.  Kids worked in the town’s raised garden beds, practiced planting and tending a garden, made bird feeders and painted rocks, learned about honeybees and herbs, and took part in a host of other activities.

This week’s theme is “Health.”  

Educational Complex receives CCCDC grant for improvements

The Town of Colony recently received a $12,000 grant from the Cullman County Community Development Commission to purchase a generator and upgrade air conditioning at the Educational Complex. The building houses the town library, hosts educational and community outreach programs and has served as the community’s feeding center after natural disasters. The generator will allow workers to prepare meals in the complex kitchen during power outages.

The Colony Town Council is also waiting to hear about an additional grant for which it applied to Morehouse School of Medicine under the college’s Healthy Communities Initiative.  If the Town receives this grant, it will have $9,898.02 to expand its Educational Complex raised garden beds into a complete community garden with six additional beds, tools, seeds and fertilizer, and two part-time staffers to oversee the garden during the growing season.

Join the fun!

Colony Summer Enrichment classes will meet at the Educational Complex from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., each weekday through the last Friday in July, except during the week of July 4.  For more information, call Colony Town Hall at 256-287-1192 or the Educational Complex at 256-287-1573 or visit the Educational Complex weekdays at 151 Byars Road behind town hall.

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