Colonel Cullman celebrates his 194th birthday


Colonel Cullmann shares his birthday cake with community members. / Andrew Cryer

CULLMAN – The Cullman County Museum and staff this week celebrated the birthday of Cullman’s founder, Colonel Cullmann.  Brought to life by Larry Rowlette, the Colonel served cake, ice cream and lemonade to members of the community who gathered near the Farmer’s Market and Festhalle. The event was one of many that are a part of the Alabama Bicentennial celebration.

The Colonel’s actual birthday is July 2, but festivities were bumped up due to conflicts with the upcoming holiday.

Said Rowlette, “We’ve been doing this for eight or nine years now.” Attendance was slightly down this year due to rain, but that didn’t stop the celebration. “We have a lot of people coming down from the farmers’ market and they’re eating. As you can tell, we’re not going to have a whole lot of cake left so we’re good,” said Rowlette. 

Drew Green, chair of the Alabama 200 Bicentennial Committee for Cullman County, said both the Colonel and Cullman County play an active role in the Alabama Bicentennial.  “Johann Cullmann came to this area right after the railroad came through when this was just wilderness. He is responsible for the Cullman growing so rapidly. We are a big part of Alabama’s history and we’re the number one county for agriculture and poultry.”

Sharon Rowlette was one of many in attendance and has been coming to the annual birthday celebration for many years. She said that she enjoys getting to the Farmer’s Market as a family-friendly way to spend the day. 

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