Files from Yesteryear: 1935 and 1938


From the Files of 1935:

Cullman’s strawberries are moving faster than usual. Prices are ranging around $3.00 or better per crate. Seventeen carloads and thirty-five truckloads were moved out of Cullman, on Monday.

Among those attending the ballgame in Birmingham, on Sunday were: C.W. Alley, Doc Price, George Stiefelmeyer, Albert Livingston, Gordon Daniel, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Trimble and Miss Mabel Callahan.

Mrs. J.M. Oldacre, Mrs. J.G. Daves and Mrs. Oscar Dunlap are attending a recreation convention in Decatur, this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Ehrensperger and children, of Birmingham, are guests of relatives here.

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Sellers (Gladys Fuller) left the first of the week for their home in Sacramento, California, after a visit with relatives here.

The C.C.H.S. sophomores presented the assembly program on Wednesday. Participating were Margaret Nesmith, Marlin Camp, Fannie Garner, Mary Anna Graham and Evelyn Martin.

Governor Graves had already appointed Charles Rainey and James Spinks to positions in the State Tax Department and this week has appointed three other Cullman men. Haine Windsor has been named district tax adjuster for Cullman, Blount and Winston Counties. Dillard Kinney has been appointed tobacco inspector, in charge of six North Alabama counties. S.H. Green has been appointed tax adjuster for Cullman County.

It is bad to borrow anything, but the worst thing you can possibly borrow is trouble.


From the Files of 1938:

Decoration will be on Saturday, May 14th, 1938, at Duck River Church, with  the following program:

9:30 a.m., songs led by W.E. Butler. 9:45 a.m., devotional by H.B. Bright. A song by the Norris children.

10:00 a.m., Welcome address by O.D. Horsley.

Special song by J.D. Edith and Willie Glasscock.

10:15 a.m., Decorate the graves.

1:00 a.m., Song and praise led by T.J. Carpenter.

A song by the Lewis children.

11:15 a.m., Sermon by Reverend Reese McKibbens.

12:00, Lunch hour.

1:00 p.m., Song service led by Ovie Calvert.

1:15 p.m., Election of officers.

1:20 p.m., Reading on mother by Ruby Lee Glaze.

Song on mother by the  Horsley children.

1:30 p.m., Reading on father.

Song on father by Calvert, Britt and Sutton girls.

1:40  p.m.,  Sacred  Harp  songs  led  by

A.F. Horsley Onan Sutton and Arthur Reid.

2:25 p.m., Adjourn.

Decorating committee: Mrs. Arthur Almon, chairman, Mrs. R.E. Glaze and Mrs. T.J. Carpenter.

Thursday, May 12th, everybody interested meet at the cemetery to clean off the graves.


Alabama never had a Speaker of the National House of Representatives until the election of William B. Bankhead in 1936. The only member of the President’s Cabinet to be selected from Alabama was Hilary A. Herbert, who was made Secretary of the Navy by President Cleveland. The only Vice-President ever selected from Alabama was William R. King in 1853 and he died without ever assuming the duties of the office. Hugo L. Black is the only native Alabamian to become a member of the United States Supreme Court. Two others from Alabama, John McKinley and John A. Campbell, have been members of the Court, but they were natives of other states.


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