Finances a priority at Fairview Town Council meeting

Heather Mann

FAIRVIEW – Finances were the topic at hand for a large portion of Monday night’s town council meeting in Fairview. Council members were briefed on financial reports concerning the general town fund, street fund, park fund and the revenue made from the gas tax and what each fund could or could not be used for. Also discussed was a proposal to install an ATM on an empty property corner, while the property owner offered the rest to any businesses looking for land.

The council spent a good deal of time discussing the owner of the Brandin’ Iron Steakhouse, Brian Stricklin, and his proposal to purchase a few acres of land in order to put in a new business. Several council members mentioned the different business ideas he had proposed, including a strip mall or a gym, and they weighed the pros and cons of allowing such a business to be built. The main concern raised was the ability of a new business to generate enough revenue for the town to justify the cost, and some were concerned a gym might not make enough money to stay open. Another issue they discussed was the right-of-way rule for businesses close to the curb and how it might need to be handled if it did end up being a problem. The council decided to ask Stricklin to draw up the business plans and present them at the next meeting.

Up next, Fairview Mayor Keith Henry brought up a few smaller notices and proposals, including an offer for pest control services at Fairview Town Hall, a request to sponsor the Ms. Senior Cullman County Pageant and a notice that the Fairview Lions Club will be reserving the park for an outdoor family festival on Saturday, April 1.

Council member Paula Edge suggested that the Town host a complimentary meal for the local senior citizens, and a motion was approved for the council to donate toward the dinner.

Other council members discussed new ways to help generate revenue in the future. One proposed measure was to start holding a Founders’ Day celebration, while another idea was to get a head start on planning for summer events so connections could be made ahead of time.

Henry brought up the need to appoint a few people to the Government Utility Services Corporation (GUSC) board. Council members deliberated on which people in the community they believed would be best suited for the positions, and they came up with a list of four people (three regulars and an alternate). The council made and approved a motion to unofficially accept the appointed board members, with Henry to make it official if the proposed members agree to their appointments.

Lastly, the council reviewed their list of ongoing projects and went over which ones had been covered and which ones were still waiting. The Town bought new lights to finish lighting the community park walking trail, and Henry was approved to find the best type of roof to put on the Butler Field concessions stand. Playground maintenance and repairs on the field restrooms are still being discussed, and suggestions were made to hire east Cullman workers to help with these projects.

The Fairview Town Council meets on the first Monday of each month at 6 p.m. at Fairview Town Hall. The public is welcome to attend.


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