Cullman welcomes 6 new firefighters, 4 police officers

Amy Hasenbein Leonard

CULLMAN – The Cullman City Council met on Monday night for a regular meeting with all council members present, and the council welcomed six new firefighters to Cullman Fire Rescue and four new police officers to the Cullman City Police Department.

Mayor Max A. Townson and Councilman Clint Hollingsworth, along with Fire Chief Ed Reinhardt, congratulated Landry Hall, Caleb Terry, Tyler McSwain, Brandon Dawson and Adam Taylor on their completion of Firefighter I and II training. Taylor, it was noted, is already a paramedic. The sixth new firefighter, Will Buchanan (not pictured) was not able to attend.

Reinhardt shared, “This is the first phase of becoming a firefighter with the City of Cullman. These gentlemen have completed their 360 hours of Firefighter I and II.”

Now the men are challenged with completing their HAZMAT and DOT trainings.

Christopher Steele, Anthony Auston, Dustin Colburn and Kelley Hubbard were each congratulated for becoming certified police officers for the City of Cullman by Townson, Hollingsworth and Cullman City Police Chief Kenny Culpepper. Culpepper accepted Hubbard’s certificate on her behalf.

“I just want to say how excited we are. We’ve had the most change in the police department in my career, the most new officers to come on board and these guys are just a representation of the quality of the people that we’ve brought on and we’re excited for the future of the Cullman Police Department,” shared Culpepper.

In other business, Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) Superintendent Jeff Adams updated the council and citizens by sharing that the odor around the plant and surrounding neighborhoods has improved greatly and noted he has heard that sentiment echoed by many residents, including Ryan Creek homeowner Anthony Quattlebaum. Adams requested the purchase of a Dyna-Fog Typhoon in the unbudgeted amount of $9,500 for the purpose of having a fogging machine to combat flies specifically for the area around the WWTP. His request was approved much to the delight of neighbors who were in attendance.

Two requests from Culpepper were approved and included $2,900 in budgeted investigative supplies and a request for the purchase of three cubicles for the budgeted amount of $14,175.70 from Office Equipment Company.

A request for the purchase of new carpeting for the Building Department was approved for $8,500 with Walker Brothers, LTD being the vendor. Additionally, a $105,500 unbudgeted request from Cullman City Parks and Recreation (CP&R) Director Nathan Anderson to reimburse CP&R for the funds spent painting the natatorium at the Cullman Wellness and Aquatic Center was approved.

Two special event permits were approved including an Aug. 13 school supplies fundraiser at Depot Park sponsored by the Cullman Band Boosters. The second request, for a charity event outside of Moe’s Original BBQ benefiting Cullman Caring for Kids on Aug. 20, was given the greenlight pending the approval of Reinhardt and Culpepper.

Ronald Stevenson, of Decatur, entered a request to minister along the city’s sidewalks one to two days a week and was approved for a 30-day trial period.

Four resolutions were passed and included the appointment of election officials for both the municipal and the general elections in the city. Two new job descriptions were approved, one for a new CP&R job and the other for a position at the WWTP. A contract was entered with Terracon for engineering services on Mitchell Road for the new street department facility in the budgeted amount of $3,900. Lastly, the mayor was authorized to negotiate contracts for new industrial properties.

Council members Garlan Gudger, Jenny Folsom, Andy Page and Johnny Cook were issued Certificates of Election.

The council meets on the second and fourth Monday of each month at Cullman City Hall with a work session beginning at 6:30 p.m. and regular meeting held at 7 p.m. The meetings are open to the public and citizens are encouraged to attend.


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