Commission Meeting Held; New Businesses in Baileyton and Dodge City

Cullman County

CULLMAN – The Cullman County Commission meeting, held Feb. 23, was thorough and efficient with Kerry Watson, Place 1, Garry Marchman, Place 2 and Chairman Kenneth Walker in attendance. All thirteen items of new business were discussed, voted on and passed.

The commission approved the negotiation of a contract with an employee assistance program provider, Birmingham’s American Behavioral, for approximately $9,000 per year. The $1.65 cost per county employee will also cover their eligible dependents according to Judy Bradford, the county’s human resources specialist. EAPs help individuals and families with various issues which may negatively impact their work performance.

Bradford’s department, along with County Attorney Chad Floyd, has also worked for the past several years updating the Personnel Policies and Procedures Handbook. The commission adopted the revision which will replace the 2010 printed version.

Tax abatements were confirmed for new businesses in both Baileyton and Dodge City. QHA Metal Products, located in Baileyton, is expected to employ 10 residents and received a $200,000 abatement for equipment. Baileyton Mayor Johnny Dyer encouraged everyone to attend their next council meeting on Monday, March 1 at 7 pm.

Jenkins & Jenkins, LLC opened approximately 10 months ago in Dodge City, providing 10 jobs initially. The business has already grown to the point of expansion and received $600,000 total in tax abatements, $250,000 for machinery and personal property and $350,000 for a new and existing building.

Lea Scott was reappointed to the Library Board of Trustees with the new term expiring on Sep. 30, 2019 and Dewayne Goodwin, current chairman of the E-911 Board of Commissioners, was reappointed with his new term ending Sep. 1, 2019.

The commission meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month with the next meeting scheduled for March 8 at 10 a.m. with the work session, which is open to the public as well, beginning at 8:30 a.m. The meetings are held on the first floor of the courthouse in the commission conference room for the work session and commission meeting room for the 10 a.m. meeting.

Don’t forget to vote in the March 1 primary election, where there are three candidates running for the position of Chairman of the Cullman County Commission. Incumbent Kenneth Walker faces challengers Darrell Hicks and Eric L. Parker.