Files from yesteryear: 1918, 1955


From the files of 1918  

Marvin Scott, who is on the USS Pennsylvania, will arrive Sunday to spend a few days with his mother, Mrs. W.A. Scott.  

W.A. Schlosser, 75, died at his home on Friday morning, April 29th, after a long illness. He was one of the county’s best – known citizens, having been active in city, county and state affairs. For several years, Mr. Schlosser served on the city council. The deceased was truly a builder. Being an architect and contractor, he has designed and built the majority of the county’s most magnificent buildings. Doctor J.E. Marion, pastor of the First Baptist Church, conducted the services. He was interred in the Protestant Cemetery. Pallbearers were: Rene Clark, Robert Speer, Bill McNabb, Bill Nesmith, Sam Green, T.D. McMinn, R.P. Johnston and Asa B. Fuller. The deceased is survived by his widow; five sons: Charlie, Dwight, of Cullman, Alfred, of Birmingham and Harry, of Huntsville; four daughters: Mrs. J.A. Dunlap, Mrs. Jeff Barnett and Miss Mabel Schlosser, of Cullman and Mrs. Herbert Miller, of Smokemont, North Carolina. Moss -Scheiung was in charge. 

From the files of 1955 

Two Joppa thirteen-year-olds, Billy Wayne Tipton and Mary Evelyn Thrasher drowned in a pond on Saturday. The two were fishing in a pond near the home of Billy Wayne’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Tipton, when Mary Evelyn slipped and fell into the water. Mac Arthur Talley, who was plowing in a nearby field, saw Billy Wayne jump into the pond, trying to pull the girl out. Neither could swim and both went under. Talley ran to the Tipton residence to tell Billy Wayne’s parents. In the meanwhile, Weed Maze arrived and after about 30 minutes was able to find the little boy. Some ten minutes later, he brought the little girl out. They were taken to Arab Hospital, where Doctor R.M. Barnard tried for two hours to revive them but was unsuccessful.  

Billy Wayne is survived by his parents: Mr. and Mrs. Amos Tipton, of Route Two, Arab; one brother: L.W. Tipton; and three sisters: Mrs. Fanny Mae Holloway, Mrs. Olga Waldrop and Mrs. Willean Thrasher. Mary Evelyn is survived by her parents: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thrasher (Willean Tipton), of Route Two, Arab; and one sister: Corene Thrasher.  

The first crate of 1955 strawberries was sold by B.W. West, of Route Three, Cullman, to Howard Edwards, of Brothers Store. The second crate reported to the Tribune, was bought by Fred Peinhardt, from F.A. Kennemur, of Route One, Steppville. Mr. Peinhardt, in turn sold the berries to A and P Market. Both crates were brought to Cullman on Monday of this week.