House GOP Caucus successfully addresses all items in its 2022 ‘Standing Tall for Alabama’ legislative agenda

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MONTGOMERY, Ala. – House Majority Leader Nathaniel Ledbetter (R – Rainsville) and Agenda Committee Chairman Randall Shedd (R – Fairview) on Friday announced that members of the body’s Republican Caucus successfully addressed all items in its “Standing Tall for Alabama” legislative agenda during the 2022 regular session.

“House Republicans have once again kept our promises and followed up our words with actions,” Ledbetter said. “All of the items in our agenda were addressed by the House and several were fully enacted into law, including the constitutional carry firearms measure, which I believe ranks high among the landmark bills passed by the Legislature in several decades.”

Shedd, who was appointed chairman of the House GOP Caucus’ agenda committee and helped select the bills that were highlighted, said the measures that were passed serve the needs of average Alabama families.

“With its cross-section of targeted tax cuts, Second Amendment protections, rural broadband expansions, benefits for active military and veterans and other measures, the ‘Standing Tall for Alabama’ agenda touches the lives of every Alabamian,” Shedd said. “It proved to be an ambitious but achievable agenda, and one that was firmly rooted in constitutional principles, conservative policies and commonsense philosophy.”

While each agenda item was addressed by the House, the measures that successfully navigated the full legislative process and were enacted into law included:

  • Constitutional Carry legislation that allows law-abiding citizens to carry concealed weapons without first having to purchase a permit. The bill included tools, technologies, and provisions that will help ensure law enforcement officers and agencies remain well-protected.
  • Legislation shielding state law enforcement officers from enforcing unconstitutional, anti- Second Amendment, federal executive orders
  • Targeted tax cuts benefitting small businesses, agriculture, families and retirees
  • An Alabama House Republican Caucus resolution urging the U.S. Supreme Court to rule constitutional the Mississippi pro-life law that bans abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Ballot box protections ensuring that Alabama’s elections remain honest, fair and impartial.
  • Legislation and record funding for the expansion of high-speed, broadband Internet throughout rural Alabama
  • Pay raises for public education employees and state workers
  • Longevity bonuses based upon years of service for public education retirees and retired state employees
  • A package of bills designed to preserve and expand our military bases and infrastructure while making Alabama the nation’s friendliest state for military service members, dependents and veterans.

Both Ledbetter and Shedd offered their thanks to members of the House Republican Caucus agenda committee, each of whom devoted substantial hours to creating a platform that serves the best interests of citizens across the state.