OPINION: An Open Letter to the Citizens of Cullman, regarding the dismissal of Tourism Director Cecelia Smith by the Cullman Area Chamber of Commerce


The following is an opinion piece submitted by a member of the community. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of CullmanSense, the CullmanSense staff or any other contributors to CullmanSense.


To the Citizens of Cullman:

I want to let you know what an asset we had in Cecelia Smith, the Tourism Director for the Chamber.   Cecelia Smith devoted her life to selling Cullman and bringing people and trade to Cullman City and County.  Many of you may have never heard of her, because she did her job with efficiency and effectiveness and did not command attention to herself, but to businesses in the Cullman area.  She encouraged businesses to come to Cullman in many ways, some being:

  • Helping develop a new tourism website and Facebook page, www.VisitCullman.org
  • Planning and organizing the Annual Cullman Area Tourism Awards and Community Improvement Awards to recognize success in our local tourism industry and preservation/promotion of community
  • Publishing the annual Visit Cullman Guide in collaboration with Classic Cullman/The Cullman Times
  • Developed a new city tear-off map
  • Representing Cullman in trade shows, which helps sell Cullman
  • Working to complete her Southeast Tourism Marketing College program, which she will do this year
  • Working to purchase “Cullman Welcomes You” signs
  • Purchasing billboard skirts, a less expensive way to advertise Cullman
  • Developing an economic health booklet for Cullman, with AML
  • Producing brochures about Cullman
  • Purchasing ads in southeastern publications to promote Cullman
  • And, many, many more ways

For those of you who do not know Cecelia, I am sorry.  You missed knowing someone who loves Cullman and Cullman County as much as we all do.  She is someone who wants Cullman to succeed, because she believes in the greatness of Cullman. 

There are many of you who are lucky enough to know her, and you have told me all about your experiences.  Everywhere I go, business people tell me their personal stories about how Cecelia helped them.  Many tell me they had very little business until she came to visit and began promoting them, resulting in increased business. 

I am one of the lucky ones who does know Cecelia; I have served on the Tourism Board with her.  She is business-minded, smart, effective and efficient.   Our board works as one unit; we are together and work as one to promote Cullman and Cullman County.  We are asked to express our opinions and concerns freely so we can work as a group to solve problems in an effective manner.  We are asked to discuss all the good things we know are happening.  We share in each other’s successes and mourn each other’s defeats.   Cecelia has encouraged us to build that kind of relationship.  Having this relationship enables us to work better and harder promoting Cullman, for we, too, love Cullman. 

The news that Cecelia Smith was asked to leave her position has devastated our board.  We feel Cullman will now be taking a step backwards in starting over with a new person in this position.  Our board had no say in her being asked to leave.  We had just completed her annual review, which I am attaching to this letter.  You will note that we all think Cecelia Smith was great at her job as the Tourism Director for Cullman and Cullman County. 

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to voice my sadness over this unfortunate event. 

Jackie Walker, concerned citizen of Cullman County