Files from yesteryear: 1951

(files from yesteryear)

From the files of 1951

Mr. and Mrs. Collidge Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Hughes visited Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Woodard, in Haleyville on Sunday.

Reverend Lewis Eidson is home from the Cullman Hospital, after undergoing an appendectomy on September 2.

The home of Mrs. Mabry, mother of Mrs. Ina Page, burned on September 1. The fire is believed to have started by lightning. Mrs. Mabry was not at home.

Mrs. Geneva Kniphfer, of Cullman, spent Wednesday night with Mrs. Minnie Bonner.

Omar Brown is erecting a store building on his place, near Unity Church.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kniphfer and children, of Bessemer, visited Reverend and Mrs. John Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. Will Kniphfer on Sunday.

C.M. Benefield Dies After Long Illness

Charlie Benefield, age 80, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Eval Ross, of Joppa, on September 4.

Funeral services were held at New Home Church on September 6, with Reverend Ellis Herring conducting and Pruitt Funeral Service, of Arab, directing interment.

Surviving are three sons and two daughters, Vester Benefield of Route Two, Cullman, Gurley Benefield, of Route Two, Arab and Floyd Benefield, of Detroit, Michigan, two daughters, Mrs. Eval Ross of Joppa and Mrs. Will Bannister of Arab, four brothers, one sister, 21 grandchildren and 19 great- grandchildren.

Pentecost News

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mullins spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Hoyt Allen.

Mr. and Mrs. Willie Mullins have moved to Cullman.

Mrs. Maud Bryant and Sue and Wynell Parker were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Lois Hampton and Olean.

Mrs. Dan Sharp and her husband and Mrs. Monroe Cornett were Sunday guests of their mother.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cornett and children visited in Georgia on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Rabe Jones, of Gadsden, visited the L.M. Bryants on Saturday.

Dorthie Hampton spent Sunday with Edna Parker.