County, City to form Solid Waste Disposal Authority

The Cullman County Commission is seen at its meeting on Tuesday, July 18, 2023. (Tiffany McKoy)

CULLMAN, Ala. – The Cullman County Commission at its Tuesday meeting approved the formation of the Solid Waste Disposal Authority (SWDA) to manage a partnership between the City of Cullman and Cullman County to prevent an outside, private company from purchasing the Cullman County landfill. The locally owned company Cullman Environmental reached out to the County and City because its 30-year contract on the landfill is set to expire Oct. 1.

The SWDA board will be made up of five uncompensated residents of Cullman County: two from the county, two from the city and one appointed by the board.

Cullman County Commissioner Garry Marchman expressed his concern regarding the board appointees. Marchman said he wants more county representation on the board since the county is a larger area with more people to consider.

The commission voted to authorize Chairman Jeff Clemons to submit an application for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) to reconstruct and resurface County Road 1490. According to Cullman County Economic Development Director Matt Kinsland, the amount of the CDBG is $500,000.

The commission approved the following agenda items:

  • Recognition: Troy Screws retiring after 27 years with the Sanitation Department
  • Resolution 2023-32: Authorize Chairman to execute and submit application for CDBG Grant to reconstruct and resurface County Road 1490
  • Resolution 2023-33: Authorize Chairman to enter into contract with Community Consultants, Inc to provide all project administrative services in the event the application is approved by the state funding agency
  • Resolution 2023-34: A Resolution and Order Approving a Memorandum of Understanding by the City of Cullman, Alabama, and Cullman County, Alabama, for the Formation of a Solid Waste Disposal Authority under Chapter 89A of Title 11 of the Code of Alabama 1975
  • Resolution 2023-35: A Resolution and Order to approve an application for, and to Authorize, the Formation of The Solid Waste Disposal Authority of the City and County of Cullman, Alabama
  • Resolution 2023-36: A Resolution and Order to Approve the Reimbursement of Capital Costs of Solid Waste Disposal Facilities from the Proceeds of “Tax-Exempt Bonds” in accordance with 26 C. F. R. Section 1.150-2
  • Consider payment of $650,000 in earnest money to Cullman Environmental for Landfill purchase
  • Authorize Chairman to sign the System Safety Security and Emergency Preparedness Program for CARTS
  • Authorize Chairman to sign FY 2023 Cullman County Rebuild Alabama Contractor Report
  • Approve FY 2024 SMORT Grant and authorize EMA Director Tim Sartin to sign all related paperwork
  • Consider amended FY 2024 County Transportation Plan per requirements of the Rebuild Alabama Funds
  • Consider allocation to Brushy Pond Community Center paid to Hagemore Heating and Air in the amount of $3,000 for half of the replacement of an HVAC unit. This facility serves as a polling place for the area
  • Consider Allocation to White City Community Center of Cullman County in the amount of $12,500 to assist them in completing their construction project. The Legislative Delegation is also allocating $12,500. This facility will serve as a polling place once completed
  • Consider procurement of Goodwin, Mills and Cawood for Parks and Recreation Master Planning, Architectural and Engineering Services based on Request for Qualifications
  • Consider ACCA Legislative Committee nomination Kerry Watson
  • Consider G17 Agreement with Walter Lewis at Piper Sandler
  • Proposed plat Serenity Pointe Cabins Phase 1. A minor subdivision containing two lots located off County Road 338
  • Proposed plat Wilson Hill Subdivision. A minor subdivision containing two lots located at 12188 U.S Highway 278 East Holly Pond
  • Award Bid no. 1441: for aggregate to Vulcan Materials Company, Whitaker Contracting Corp, C.A. Langford Co. Inc, and Wiregrass Construction Company, Inc based on vicinity and availability
  • Extend Bid no. 1404: for Gas & Diesel to B&B Petroleum Products, LLC
  • Extend Bid no. 1357: for lawn care and maintenance to Pro Lawn