Files from yesteryear: 1954


From the files of 1954 

Sergeant First Class Taylor Weldon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Weldon, spent a few days at home last week and will return to Long Beach, California and Navy duty on Monday. 

Bob Miller, of the United States Air Force base, in Kentucky, spent the weekend at home with his mother, Mrs. Ruby Miller. 

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sansing are the proud parents of a little son, born on September 8. 

Jimmy Wayne and Carl Harris were up from Birmingham on Friday evening. 

Mr. and Mrs. Austin Harris and children, of Gardendale, were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Pinkie Connell and family. 

Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Cook were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cox and Mrs. Junior Evans and children of Arkadelphia and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Daily and boys, of Birmingham. 

Mrs. Lucy Chapman spent the weekend in Fultondale and Birmingham. 

W.O. Whaley visited Mr. and Mrs. Siller Casey, in Hanceville, on Friday. Mr. Casey has been ill. 

Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Lamont drove to Blountsville to visit their son, William and family in their new home. 

Mrs. Stella Crosley and family, of Birmingham, spent the weekend at her home here. 

Mrs. Erby Whaley and children visited her mother, Mrs. Craps and family at Empire, recently. 

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Weldon and boys spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Ella Grantham, of Hanceville. 

Teen Dates 

Night owls out Saturday night were: Jane Plunkett and Bill Hendrix, Joy Huffstutler and Ray Maddox, Virginia Graf and Len Adams, Kittie Garrison and Roy Ward, Alice Chandler and David Knight, Donna Ward and Greg Hatchett, Diane Nelson and George Hasenbein, Sandra Taylor and John Milner, Martha Ragland and Pat Padgett, Harriet Saunders and Rodney Camron, Alice Lane and David Howell, Julia Robertson and Jimmy Lee (Birmingham), Mary Lou Rasco and David Moss, Glenda Calvert and Wade Tucker, Carol Knighten and Edward Boike, Barbara Butler and Johnny Nesmith, Barbara Bone and Babe Smith, Joyce Ponder and Mike Hinkle, Betty Langley and Layne Weeks, Jackie Hamilton and Dale Cook, Shelby Patterson and Kenneth Yeager, Shirley Patterson and Gary Joe Duke, Becky Glasscock and Harlan Allen, Becky Garrison and Tommy Gilley, Carol Gibbs and Harry Fuller, Patsy Scott and Dan Henry, Shelia Mitchell and Dale Brock and Becky Maxey and Herman Baker.