Good Hope City Council passes 2023 budget, approves 6% raise for city employees

The Good Hope City Council approved a 6% pay raise for city employees at Monday night’s city council meeting. (Nick Griffin/The Cullman Tribune)

GOOD HOPE, Ala. – Good Hope’s City Council held its final September meeting Monday night and in addition to passing the city’s budget for the upcoming year, they approved a 6% pay raise for all city employees as well as a one-time pay adjustment of $1,500 that will be paid out Nov. 18.

Before addressing the budget, the council held the second readings for Ordinance No: 019-2022 and Resolution No: 022-2022 and approved both of them.

Ordinance No: 019-2022 – Authorizing the operation of a medical cannabis dispensary within the corporate limits of the City of Good Hope.

The Ordinance reads,

“Whereas on May 17, 2021, the Governor for the State of Alabama signed Darren Wesley ‘Ato’ Hall Compassion Act into law (The Act); and whereas the act provides for the medical use of marijuana for patients with a qualifying medical condition and a valid medical cannabis card; and whereas a dispensary may only be operated in a municipality if the municipality has passed an Ordinance authorizing the operation of dispensaries within the municipality’s corporate limits; and whereas the Act authorizes and requires the Medical Cannabis Commission to heavily regulate dispensary operations, thus addressing any health, safety or welfare concerns for the citizens of the City of Good Hope; and whereas the location of a dispensary within the corporate limits of the City of Good Hope will bring the potential of new employment opportunities for the City of Good Hope; and whereas a dispensary would be required to purchase a business license and pay sales tax to the City of Good Hope, thus increasing revenue.

Effective date: This ordinance shall become effective immediately in the entire City of Good Hope upon certification by the City Clerk, that it is legal to allow a medical cannabis dispensary in the City of Good Hope, has been authorized pursuant to provision of the laws of the State of Alabama.

Now, therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Good Hope, Alabama that it authorizes the operation of dispensing sites within the corporate limits of the City of Good Hope subject to any applicable zoning restrictions the City of Good Hope may adopt pursuant to 20-2A-51(c)(3).”

Up next was Resolution No: 022-2022, to enter the second phase of AEMA’s Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan.

“Whereas, the City of Good Hope recognizes the threat that natural hazards pose to people and property withing the community and whereas, the City of Good Hope recognizes development and implementation of a hazard mitigation action plan can result in actions that reduce the long-term risk to life and property from natural hazards and whereas, the City of Good Hope in coordination with multiple jurisdictions in AEMA Division F have supported and participated in the preparation of the AEMA Division F Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan to fulfill the local mitigation planning requirement set forth in the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 with input from the appropriate local and state officials and whereas, the Alabama Emergency Management Agency and the Federal Emergency Management Agency have reviewed the Division F Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan for compliance and has approved the plan pending the completion of local adoption procedures.

Now therefore, be it resolved, this 22nd day of September 2022 that the City of Good Hope hereby adopts the AEMA Division F Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan as an official plan.”

The Good Hope City Council will hold its next meeting at Good Hope City Hall Monday, Oct. 10 at 6:30 p.m.

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