St. Bernard Prep students attend March for Life in Washington D.C.

(Photo courtesy of St. Bernard Prep)

CULLMAN, Ala. – Fifty-six St. Bernard students, chaperones and teachers loaded two charter buses on Wednesday afternoon, January 19, 2022 and headed to Washington, DC to participate in the annual March for Life Rally at the capital. 

After driving through the night, the group began their tour on Thursday with a visit to the Arlington Cemetery, followed by Holy Mass at Mary, Queen of Apostles in Alexandria, VA.  The rest of their day was spent visiting the Bible Museum and the Smithsonian.

On Friday, the day began with Holy Mass at the Basilica of St. Mary in Alexandria, VA and the rest of the day was spent visiting the Vietnam Memorial, Lincoln Memorial and the Korean War Veterans’ Memorial, followed by the March for Life.

The group concluded the trip on Saturday after visiting the Franciscan Monastery and the National Art Gallery, followed by Tour and Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. 

Sister Therese Lopez, LIHM, who served as pilgrimage coordinator, said, “This march is ultimately a pilgrimage for a just and holy cause: the sanctity of human life. We are the voice of the voiceless. We march for those who cannot march. We are pro-life and also pro-eternal life, giving witness to the gift of life and most of all to the One who gives it.”

For Senior Campbel Whaley, the trip was more than just seeing the monuments, snow, etc. He said, “It’s about taking a stance for those who cannot.  It’s an attempt to convince those in power to realize that the act of abortion is wrong, and a change must come.”

Riley Holmes looks forward to March for Life every year.  “I love the cause and it makes me feel like I’m a part of something magical,” she stated.

Enrique Gutierrez said,  “The March for Life is a great way for people to express their opinions on abortion and why it should be banned. As a Catholic school, this is a great way for us to show our support in getting abortion banned in every state of America in a peaceful manner. I have gone to the March for Life once and it was amazing to see everybody coming together and supporting pro-life.”

Their journey back to Cullman was delayed by a few hours as one of the buses from Holy Spirit Parish broke down.  SBP students generously gave up one bus so it could rescue those who were stranded. 

After reflecting on their five-day journey, students were happy they made the trip and had the opportunity to be a voice for the voiceless.