Cullman City Schools raises substitute pay for teachers, support and CNP workers

(Cullman Tribune file photo)

CULLMAN, Ala. – Cullman City Schools is temporarily raising the pay for substitutes, to ensure local schools are able to remain adequately staffed during this time.

Substitute pay for teachers will increase from $75 to $125 per day, pay for support substitutes all increase from $8.50 to $13 an hour and pay for Child Nutrition Program worker substitutes will increase from $75 to $85 per day. The pay increases will be in effect from February 1, 2022 – May 31, 2022.

“Though our COVID cases are thankfully beginning to trend down among staff and students, we still have some teachers and workers out,” Superintendent Kyle Kallhoff said. “We are working extremely hard to maintain in-person instruction, because we believe that is what is best for students, and to that end, we feel this is a great measure to show our appreciation for the substitutes stepping in to help during this time.”

For new substitute teachers, Cullman City Schools will also pay the $30 required Alabama State Department of Education fee for substitute teacher licenses from February 1-28. Completed substitute teacher packets must be received in the Cullman City Schools business office by close of business on Monday, February 28.