HOLLY POND, Ala. – The Holly Pond Town Council this week passed a $427,255 General Fund budget, based on a projected $522,550 in revenues, with a projected surplus of $95,295. The budget, which includes other funds including sewer and park funds among others, has budget lines for:
- Parks – $18,853
- Streets – $10,500
- Sewers – $78,875
- Streets – $10,500
Municipal Deputy contract renewed on split vote
Following the expiration of Holly Pond’s municipal deputy from the Cullman County Sheriff’s Office, Mayor Carla Hart and council members raised questions about the deputy’s duties and if one for the town was needed. Sheriff Matt Gentry attended the meeting to answer questions.
Following the council discussion, Councilman Charles Holcomb made a motion that the town not renew the contract; the motion received no second. An alternate motion from Councilman Paul Brown to renew the contract passed on a split vote with Brown, Gladys Wisener and Ricky Carr voting for, and Holcomb and Julie Ray voting against.
Christmas events set
The council voted to combine the town’s Christmas Tree Lighting, Civitan Club Cards in the Park and Luminaries into a single event on Saturday, Dec. 4, 2021. Luminaries will be lit at dark, and the tree lighting will happen at 6:00 p.m.
Other council business
The council approved measures:
- to sandblast and powder coat park benches and swing for a total amount of $900
- to give a contract to Lawrence Whitehead to make roof repairs to the park concession stand for $1,600. The council also received a bid from Yancey Taylor for $1,680
The Holly Pond Town Council meets at 6:00 p.m. on the first Monday of each week at the Guy Hunt Library. The public is invited to attend.
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