Files from Yesteryear: 1930


From the Files of 1930: 

Sunday, March 2 was the 80th birthday of Mrs. T.M. Gibbs, of Hanceville. The family gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Ashwander. The table was centered with a beautiful cake and spring flowers were used to beautify the home. Mrs. Gibbs was the widow of the late 

T.M. Gibbs, who was postmaster in Hanceville for several years and at the time of his death he was the mayor of Hanceville.  

Those attending the happy occasion were Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. John Ashwander, Mr. and Mrs. F.D. Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Thigpen, Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Camp, Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Gibbs and Mrs. Ella Gibbs. Others present were 33 grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren and several close friends and relatives. 

The party at Gold Ridge given by Melvin Smith on Friday night was enjoyed by a large crowd. 

Misses Alma Thomas and Lester B. Smith, Harvie Turner and Ben Tillman had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith on Sunday.  

Ben Tillman escorted Miss Lessie B. Smith home on Sunday. 

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ragland have moved into their new home on the west side of our city. The house is of brick construction, has ten rooms, a large basement, steam heat, hardwood floors and is beautiful to the eye. 

Cullman County students at Howard College who won high honors in the debate team are Cloud Moore, Claud Phillips, Lincoln Knight and Maurine Slaughter. Beulah Caudell of Falkville is also on the team. Miss Caudell is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Caudell, formerly of Hanceville. 

Bill Harris and Jewel Miller of Welti motored to Good Hope on Sunday. 

Auburn Weeks of Birmingham called on Grace Watson on Sunday afternoon. 

Miss Bessie Gilley gave a party at her home in Holly Pond on Saturday night. Those present were Misses Delba Gorham, Alma Reid, Icie Lambert, Lillie Mae Barker, Ressie Mason, Anna Duke Vera Gibbs, Nona Bell Dunkin, Milo Dean and Messers, Earney Shaw, Raymond Hammock, Jack Crumbley, Carl Ellard, Marvin Dunkin, Dave Meeks, Jesse Duke, Ottis Gorham, William an C.B. Henderson, Homer Black, William Hatley, Roy Black, Ted Meeks, Quinton Gorham and Mr. and Mrs. G.M. Bailey. 

Clemon Daniel of Chicago is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Daniel. 

Miss Hester Crumbley visited her sister, Mrs. Omie Dismukes on Monday afternoon.