Holly Pond to continue providing free Wi-Fi at town parks

The Holly Pond Town Council is seen Monday night, Jan. 4, 2021. (Heather Mann for The Cullman Tribune)

HOLLY POND, Ala. – The Holly Pond Town Council on Monday said free public Wi-Fi will be available for at least another 12 months in town parks (Governors and Lions Club Parks). The council voted unanimously to renew the Town’s agreement with JTM Broadband and enter a 12-month contract at $50 a month for the service.

Committee reports:

Parks: Some progress has been made on the retaining wall at Lions Club Park, but no report otherwise.

Sewer: The Town received an invoice for work done amounting to almost $1,300. Additionally, the Town received a quote for repairs to be done on a pump, though the recommendation was to run a bypass for as long as possible instead of replacing it. 

Safety: The parts needed for the siren repair are still on their way due to the holiday delay.

Streets & Lights: Work on streets is on hold until the Town hears back about its application for Rebuild Alabama Act funds. As for lights, there are a few lights out around town, including some at the sewage plant. The council will talk with the workers at the plant about replacing them as well as adding lights around the area.

Beautification: The community Christmas tree in the park was a success this year, and the lights and decorations will be removed in the upcoming week. Additionally, Beautification Chair Julie Ray said she had a few ideas for the future about how to add on to the “Welcome to Holly Pond” signs on either side of town along U.S. Highway 278.

In old business, Mayor Carla Hart said meetings will start soon to work on the details of the new senior center project. A bush hog for maintenance has also been repaired and lights at Governors Park have been fitted with LED bulbs and globe fixtures on the poles.

The council approved the purchase of a new weed eater for use during the milder days of winter, voted to enter an agreement employing an interested party as park director, discussed attempting to start the ballpark program up again and heard Hart’s announcement about the need for price estimates on larger trash cans for the park.

The council voted to proclaim January Human Trafficking Awareness Month.

The Holly Pond Town Council will meet next Feb. 1 at 6 p.m.

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Heather Mann
