Alabama Farmers Federation, Simply Southern TV seek ‘Bama’s Best Pizza’


It’s arguably America’s favorite food, and the Alabama Farmers Federation wants to find out which Alabama eatery serves up a pizza pie worth falling in “amore” with.

Whether it’s a full-blown pizzeria or a food truck with pizza pizazz, nominate a favorite local joint for the Bama’s Best Pizza Contest by commenting on the announcement post at Comments must include the establishment’s name and city. 

Nominations close Jan. 11. Local eateries with the most votes will vie against each other in the Edible Eight bracket. Matchups will be announced daily Jan. 18-21 at Competitors with the most votes will make it into the Flavorful Four. 

Judges will visit each Flavorful Four finalist — and the winner will be announced in early February. Along with bragging rights, the winning restaurant will receive a plaque and cash prize and will be featured in Neighbors magazine and on “Simply Southern TV.”

Bama’s Best Pizza Contest is sponsored by the Alabama Dairy Producers and Alabama Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association — whose members grow and produce products needed to make the perfect pizza.

Contest Schedule:

  • Dec. 28: Nomination period opened at
  • Jan. 11: Nominations close
  • Jan. 18-21: Daily head-to-head matchups for the Edible Eight at
  • Late January: Judges visit Flavorful Four to determine a winner
  • Early February: Winner announced

Bama’s Best Pizza seeks to promote Alabama-based restaurants. National chains will not be eligible. However, a specific location of an Alabama-based chain will be eligible to compete.