Today is #GivingTuesday

Courtesy of GivingTuesday/Facebook

According to, “GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world.

“GivingTuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. GivingTuesday was born and incubated at the 92nd Street Y and its Belfer Center for Innovation & Social Impact in New York City. GivingTuesday is now an independent nonprofit and a global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity.

“Whether it’s making someone smile, helping a neighbor or stranger out, showing up for an issue or people we care about, or giving some of what we have to those who need our help, every act of generosity counts, and everyone has something to give.”

Several local and neighboring nonprofits are participating in GivingTuesday this year.

From the North Alabama Agriplex on Monday:

Giving Tuesday is a special day set aside for nonprofits like us.  It was created from a simple idea: a day that encourages people to be generous.  

Let’s face it, 2020 probably won’t go down in history as everyone’s favorite year.  If we focus on the good things though, we have had a lot of big things happen this year at the Agriplex.  With help from the state we were able to purchase the building next door to us and we couldn’t be more EXCITED about the many opportunities this additional space will provide for our community! We have had some awesome support in the form of people donating their time to help clear out and clean up, but much work still needs to be done.  We are asking our community to help start us on our future path this #GivingTuesday! Tomorrow our #GivingTuesday fundraiser will be live, with (Facebook) matching up to $7 million in donations!!!!!!

How you can help
1.  Donate and share our #GivingTuesday campaign via our Facebook page that will go live Dec. 1.
2.  Share on your social media why you are supporting us and create your own fundraiser benefiting the Agriplex ( It’s so easy- Click “Select Nonprofit” and just type in North Alabama Agriplex in the search engine and it will create it all for you!
3.  Donate anytime via our clickable PayPal link at  

Thank you for your continued support!


From Tigers For Tomorrow on Monday:  

We are so excited to announce Tigers for Tomorrow has a Guardian Angel! Angels in Distress has 

awarded us up to a $50,000 matching grant! 

It has been a hard year financially for the preserve. We had to close our gates for six months after learning that tigers can contract the coronavirus. We have had to adapt, though difficult, just to open our gates on weekends, making it possible for guests to visit once again and enjoy the wonderful animals we have in our care. Our supporters have helped us get through much of these strange and difficult times. 

This holiday season we need to ask for your help one more time! We are trusting in your passion for our mission now more than ever.

Angels in Distress has awarded Tigers for Tomorrow a matching grant up to $50,00!!! The match ends on Giving Tuesday, the 1st of December. We are calling this our Peace on Earth Matching Grant Fundraiser. We have less than a month to make this happen! This year, year-end donations will count twice as much! If you give $10 it is matched as a $20 donation. A little goes a long way when everyone chips in. We can do this together! Please help in any way; donate, share with friends, family, businesses and groups to help grow support and make a difference in these amazing animals’ lives. We appreciate any size donation. No amount is too small, and every gift makes a difference!

Where to donate: 

  • Facebook @TFTatUntamedMountain 
  • Our website: 
  • Regions Bank: Tigers for Tomorrow Matching Funds Account 
  • In-person at our gift shop 
  • Mail checks to Tigers for Tomorrow 
  • 708 County Road 345, Attalla, AL 35954 


Larger Donation Tiers: 

  • Donations of over $1,000 will have a 4×4 banner on our Untamed Pathway for 2021. 
  • Donations of $2,500 will receive an 8 x8 engraved brick on the entranceway to the preserve.

Some local nonprofits participating in GivingTuesday include:

Curt’s Closet-

The Link of Cullman County-

Cullman Caring for Kids-

Saving Forgotten Warriors-

Find others by searching #GivingTuesday on Facebook.


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Wendy Sack