Drive-thru Oktoberfest German Dinner at Sacred Heart Sept. 30

Cullman Tribune file photo

Wednesday, Sept. 30 from 4-7 p.m.

Sponsored by Sacred Heart of Jesus Church’s Altar Society

Due to COVID-19, this will be a drive-thru event. The meal will be bratwurst, German potato salad, sauerkraut, green beans, applesauce, bread and dessert (no drinks!) costing $12 for adults and $5 for children.

It is requested and highly recommended that tickets be purchased ahead of time by going to Press the donate button, go to events, select Oktoberfest German Dinner and follow instructions. Tickets may also be purchased the night of the event while going through the drive-thru.

Cars will enter the parking lot and follow directions to pick up dinners. This is one of the Altar Society’s main fundraising projects with the money being used for upkeep of the church altar and miscellaneous work.