Cullman City Schools releases fan guidelines for fall athletics

Cullman Tribune file photo

CULLMAN, Ala. – Cullman City Schools on Wednesday released “Fall Athletics Fan Guidelines.” The guidelines say participants, spectators and employees must stay 6 feet apart and face coverings have to be worn when entering, exiting or moving about Oliver Woodard Stadium or any other facility and any other time the 6-foot distance cannot be maintained between members of different households. Athletic facilities will top out at 50% capacity and visiting bands will not be allowed on the football field at any time. Spectators can enter an outdoor facility 45 minutes prior to the event and an indoor facility 30 minutes prior to the event.

Cullman High School is strongly encouraging visitors to pre-purchase tickets online at, as there will only be one cash gate at Oliver Woodard Stadium. Cullman Middle School will not be selling tickets online.

Also, spectators at small outdoor events are encouraged to bring their own chairs to distance themselves from other family groups if permissible by the host school.

Below is the full text of the “Cullman High School Athletic Competition and Spectator Guide: COVID-19 Precautions.”

Please refer to precautionary steps listed below regarding COVID-19 at athletic events. Per the Alabama Department of Public Health, Alabama High School Athletic Association, and Alabama State Department of Education, Alabama High Schools must adhere to the guidelines referenced in the ADPH Back to School Toolkit, Alabama High School Athletic Association Best Practices Return to Play and Governor’s Order dated July 29, 2020. Our goal is to establish procedures to provide our student-athletes the opportunity to play. The more we can do to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the more opportunities our student-athletes will have to participate in their sport and/or activity. “The AHSAA Best Practices was created to mitigate-not eliminate- the risk of COVID-19. As a result, our schools are strongly encouraged to establish and follow policies for limiting event attendance in order to comply with the Current Order and requiring fans to wear masks at all times including, but not limited to, when entering/exiting the gates, sitting in the stands, visiting the concession stand and restroom, etc.”

  1. All participants, spectators, and employees must adhere to six-foot physical distancing when
  2. Tickets will be sold based on 50% of our stadium’s capacity. It is strongly recommended to pre-purchase tickets via GoFan to avoid a potential long line at the cash gate. Individuals who do not pre-purchase digital tickets must stand in line to purchase cash-only tickets at the South Gate on Oak Drive, exact change must be provided.
  3. Face coverings (over the nose and mouth) shall be required as a condition of all guest ingress, egress, and movement throughout the stadium, as well as any time guests are unable to maintain the recommended physical distance from others who are not in their same
  4. School administrators and band directors will work together collectively to determine appropriate measures for visiting bands. Visiting bands will not be permitted on the field at any time. Bands and cheerleaders must not intermingle among schools. Each band and cheer team must bring their own water for their
  5. Spectators will be allowed into the indoor athletic facility no less than 30 minutes prior to competition
  6. Spectators will be allowed into the outdoors athletic facility no less than 45 minutes prior to competition
  7. Spectators at small outdoor events are encouraged to bring their own chairs to distance themselves from other family groups if permissible by the host
  8. Events will be broadcast on the Bearcat News Network.


Below is the full text of the “Cullman Middle School Athletic Competition and Spectator Guide: COVID-19 Precautions.”

Please refer to precautionary steps listed below regarding COVID-19 at athletic events. Per the Alabama Department of Public Health, Alabama High School Athletic Association, and Alabama State Department of Education, Alabama High Schools must adhere to the guidelines referenced in the ADPH Back to School Toolkit, Alabama High School Athletic Association Best Practices Return to Play and Governor’s Order dated July 29, 2020. Our goal is to establish procedures to provide our student-athletes the opportunity to play. The more we can do to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the more opportunities our student-athletes will have to participate in their sport and/or activity. “The AHSAA Best Practices was created to mitigate-not eliminate- the risk of COVID-19. As a result, our schools are strongly encouraged to establish and follow policies for limiting event attendance in order to comply with the Current Order and requiring fans to wear masks at all times including, but not limited to, when entering/exiting the gates, sitting in the stands, visiting the concession stand and restroom, etc.”

  1. AHSAA guidelines and rules of play will be followed in all competitions.
  2. Home and away coaches, band directors and cheer sponsors are responsible for checking the temperature of coaches, players, and participants prior to each competition. The host team will be responsible for checking symptoms, temperatures of gate workers and officials prior to the event.
  3. Coaches must conduct daily symptom assessment for themselves and their players. Anyone experiencing symptoms must stay home.
  4. All participants, spectators, and employees must adhere to six-foot physical distancing when possible. Players, coaches, officials, and spectators shall wear a mask or other facial covering that covers his or her nostrils and mouth at all times when within 6 feet of a person from another household or any time physical distancing cannot be maintained by students, coaches, spectators, etc. (This includes sidelines, benches, etc. for all contest participants.) The only exception is when a player or official is directly participating in the athletic activity. (Based on the July 29, 2020 Current Order of the State Health Officer).
  5. There will be no team “shared” water coolers or drink stations. Students must have their own individual water container.
  6. Tickets will be sold up to 50% of the facility’s seating capacity. Some schools will be utilizing digital ticketing. That is at each school’s discretion. Cullman Middle will not be utilizing digital ticketing. Spectators will pay at the door. Cullman High School will be using online ticketing sales. Any school has the right to not have spectators attend the game.
  7. Students cannot carpool to any events. Athletes may, and are encouraged to ride in only their parent or guardian’s vehicle to athletic competitions. Buses will be used for away events if needed with social distancing guidelines followed as best as possible.
  8. Spectators will be allowed into the indoor athletic facility no less than 30 minutes prior to competition play.
  9. Spectators will be allowed into the outdoors athletic facility no less than 45 minutes prior to competition play.
  10. Face coverings (over the nose and mouth) shall be required as a condition of all guests, and for movement throughout the stadium or gym.
  11. Upon completion of the competition, fans and all non essential personnel will be required to exit the facility immediately or as safely as possible considering the size of the crowds.


Below is the full text of the “Athletic and Extracurricular COVID-19 Public Service Announcement.”

The following information must be distributed to guests and visitors prior to events. This announcement should also be posted at entrances and read aloud over PA systems before and periodically during events.

“Per ADPH orders and Governor Ivey’s order on July 29, 2020:, the following guidelines must be followed by guests of Cullman High School – including large outdoor gatherings:

  1. Wash hands frequently – guests at events are encouraged to bring your personal hand sanitizer. The school will provide hand-washing soap in the
  2. Stay 6-feet apart from other family groups
  3. Wear a mask when you are in crowded places or are unable to maintain a 6-foot distance.
  4. To help ensure the safety of our staff and visitors, all guests must pick up their own trash and dispose of the trash receptacles before leaving the


All visitors and spectators should screen and monitor yourselves and your family members for any signs of illness including fever or chills; cough; shortness of breath or difficulty breathing; fatigue; muscle or body aches; headache; new loss of taste or smell; sore throat; congestion or runny nose; nausea or vomiting; and diarrhea, and stay home if you have any symptoms of illness. If you have been in close contact with a positive COVID case you should not be present at athletic events.

Attendance at school events will confirm whether the spectators and visitors have answered “no” to all questions. Answering “yes” to any of the questions means the spectators and guests should stay off-site and not attend school events.”

For more information see:

AHSAA Return to Play Document


Below is the full text of the “Cullman High School Athletics Spectator Expectations.”

(The document is the same for Cullman Middle School.)


Welcome to the campus of Cullman High School and the start of the 2020 Athletics Season.

In order to remain at tonight’s contest, you must follow these rules, as ordered by Governor Kay Ivey’s July 29, 2020 Proclamation:

  1. NO SYMPTOMS. If you’re running a fever or have any COVID-19 symptoms, we appreciate your support, but STAY HOME and GET WELL SOON!
  2. WEAR A MASK. All spectators must wear a mask/facial covering (unless one of the Governor’s exceptions applies).
  3. SOCIAL DISTANCE. Remain at least 6 feet apart from anyone from a different household.


If you don’t follow these rules, you’ll have to leave. Let’s start the season off right, and make sure we stop the spread of COVID-19 so we can finish it!


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Wendy Sack