HOLLY POND, Ala. – The replacement of a culvert on Lick Creek Road was the main topic of conversation at Monday night’s Holly Pond Town Council meeting. Specifically, the payment for the culvert.
In public comments, citizen Charles Holcomb addressed the council on the issue.
Said Holcomb, “Mr. (James) Mezzell was told that he needed to pay for that culvert himself, and he did, and the Town put it in. There was a motion already on the books that the Town do it for the safety factor there, and the Town was going to take care of that and buy the culvert. I would like to maybe recommend that the Town maybe review the decision there and reimburse Mr. Mezzell for the cost of that culvert.”
Councilwoman Michelle Bell agreed with Holcomb’s comments. Town Attorney Dan Willingham noted that the culvert has to be on the Town’s right of way to be paid for by the Town. Councilwoman Carla Hart agreed with Bell and made a motion to reimburse Mezzell, which passed.
In committee reports, Hart suggested all town signs, light poles, roads, and side roads be sprayed with round up and “weed-eated” to help clean up and beautify the town. Hart also thanked Holcomb for bringing the culvert issue to the attention of the council, noting the culverts have not been finished yet. No action was taken on Hart’s suggestion of the cleanup.
Councilwoman Lou Thomas shared concerns that some residences have “grown up” yards and should be “tended to.” No action was taken.
Bell suggested a “Movie in the Park” sort of event, noting other communities like Fairview have been holding similar events. No action was taken on Bell’s suggestion.
In old business, Councilman Paul Brown reminded the council about a special-scheduled budget meeting slated for June 17 at 6 p.m. at the Guy Hunt Library. Brown also noted that Mayor Bill Oliver (who was not in attendance Monday night) wanted the council to remember about the new school zone signs, each costing an estimated $1,200.
In new business, the council agreed to table the discussion on salary review for the mayor and council members until next month’s meeting.
The Holly Pond Town Council meets on the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Guy Hunt Library. The next regular council meeting will be July 1 at 7 p.m.
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