Cullman County’s Antone honored during Alabama Farm-City Awards

Student creations channel 200 years of Alabama agriculture

Cullman County’s Lyric Antone received an honorable mention in the 2018 Alabama Farm-City Poster Contest during the organization’s annual luncheon and awards program in Birmingham April 4. The 2018 theme was “200 Years of Alabama Agriculture.” Antone, who lives in Vinemont, is a first-grader at West Point Elementary in Cullman. Each honorable mention student received $50 from the Alabama Farmers Cooperative (AFC). From left are AFC’s Samantha Carpenter, Antone and Alabama Farm-City Chairman Jeff Helms.

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Eighteen outstanding students were honored for channeling “200 Years of Alabama Agriculture” into posters, essays and videos during the Alabama Farm-City Awards Luncheon April 4 in Birmingham.

The theme connected kindergarten-12th graders with Alabama’s storied farming heritage during the state’s bicentennial year, said Alabama Farm-City Committee Chairman Jeff Helms.

“From settlers who cleared land by hand to modern farmers using high-tech equipment, agriculture is intricately woven into Alabama’s past, present and future,” Helms said. “The judges were impressed by the level of skill and creativity our winners displayed in their submissions. We applaud these students and are thankful they took time to explore agriculture’s importance and its effects on their daily lives.”

The Alabama Farmers Cooperative (AFC) sponsored prizes for students and their schools. AFC serves farmers, gardeners and homeowners with about 80 Quality Co-op stores in Alabama, Florida and Tennessee.

Essay contest, seventh-ninth grades:

  • First place and $300 — Hallie Rose Cunningham, seventh grade, Vernon Intermediate in Lamar County
  • Second place and $200 — Lily Suggs, eighth grade, Double Springs Middle School in Winston County

Essay contest, 10th-12th grades:

  • First place and $300 — Abigail Taylor, sophomore, Headland High School in Henry County
  • Second place and $200 — Jackson Curtis, senior, Glenwood School in Russell County

Multimedia contest:

  • First place and $300 — Abraham Humphrey, senior, Brilliant High School in Marion County
  • Second place and $200 — Rio Murphy, sophomore, Munford High School in Calhoun County

Poster contest, kindergarten-third grades:

  • First place and $200 — Asa Thompson, third grade, Pike Liberal Arts School in Pike County
  • Second place and $100 — Dalton Robert Carter, third grade, Caldwell Elementary School in Jackson County

Poster contest, fourth-sixth grades:

  • First place and $200 — Kaitlin Tuck, sixth grade, Trinitas Classical Academy in Lauderdale Academy
  • Second place and $100 — Will Thornton, fifth grade, Heard Magnet School in Houston County

Eight students received an honorable mention and $50 from AFC through the poster contest. The 2020 Alabama Farm-City Calendar will feature poster contest winners and honorees. They are:

  • Mary Beth Pittman of New Brockton Elementary in Coffee County
  • Samantha Tetreault of Williams Intermediate School in St. Clair County
  • Lyric Antone of West Point Elementary in Cullman County
  • Haley Johnigan of Guin Elementary in Marion County
  • Ali Smith of Ariton Elementary School in Dale County
  • Sparrow Shehan of Jackson Academy in Clarke County
  • Karter Beach of Southside Elementary School in Etowah County
  • Shelbi Bowen of Marengo Academy in Marengo County