Tricks and treats in Good Hope

Christy Perry for The Cullman Tribune

Left to right, back row: Rep. Corey “Turkey” Harbison, “Count” Mayor Jerry Bartlett, Councilwoman Susan “Hippie Chick” Eller, Councilman Maxie “Cowboy” Jones and Deputy Eric Robertson; left to right, front row: Harper Salisbury, Anna Salisbury, Destiny Siegel and Lilliana Siegel (Christy Perry for The Cullman Tribune)

GOOD HOPE – The City of Good Hope celebrated Halloween with a costume contest from 3-5 Wednesday afternoon. Trick or treaters of all ages were welcomed as Mayor Jerry Bartlett took photos for the contest. Members of the city council and Rep. Corey Harbison, R-Good Hope (looking suspiciously like a turkey) joined the mayor in passing out candy.

An estimated 100 kids took advantage of the event and generous helpings of treats were given out by Councilman Maxie Jones.

Bartlett said, “This is just one of 10 or 11 community events we plan throughout the year. This is the first year we have had the contest and had trick or treaters, but the response has been positive. We want to make sure every penny the town receives for community events is going to benefit our community. Our Thanksgiving event is next and last year we had 1,200 come out for that. “

All costume pictures taken by Bartlett will be posted on the City of Good Hope Facebook page ( Winners will also be announced on the page once the council has an opportunity to see all of the contestants’ photos. The council will decide the winner of the costume contest, with a $50 gift card going to the first-place winner and $25 gift cards awarded to the second- and third-place winners.  

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