Files from Yesteryear: 1928


From the Files of 1928:

S.V. Davis, of Crane Hill, was in town on Saturday.

Gene Thompson, of Vinemont, was in town last Friday.

S.V. Waller was a business visitor to Hartselle.

Mrs. H.S. Wallace spent Wednesday afternoon in Hanceville.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turentine were business visitors to the city last Friday.

Homer Bentley, a good citizen and prosperous farmer, was in town on Friday.

Mrs. L.B. Keller is spending the week with relatives in Tuscumbia and Moulton. Miss Ida Clement was a weekend visitor of Mrs. Max Weber at the   Eureka Hotel.

Miss Mary Kelley has returned home after spending her vacation in Biloxi, Mississippi.

Doctor and Mrs. W.J. Cottingham and Mr. and Mrs. Asa Fuller spent Sunday in Muscle Shoals.

Mrs. Frank Morgan and Mrs. W.A. Trimble visited Mrs. R.F. Warren in Decatur, this week.

Mrs. Mary L. Denson and children, spent last week in Valley Grove with relatives and friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Sizemore, of Bessemer, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Ward, this week.

Miss Venia Bavar, of Miami, Florida, is visiting relatives and friends in Cullman and in the county.

J.T. Joseph, a prominent citizen and businessman, of Thorsby, was a visitor to our city first of the week.

Miss Eva Bridges, an accomplished pianist, of Route Five, is playing for a revival near Falkville, this week.

Howard Smith and Walter Waters are attending the normal singing school in Albertville of a three weeks’ term.


To prospective home builders see us for prices on building materials before buying. C. Arnold and Son, phone 71.



W.J. Hicks, a good citizen and farmer, of Hanceville, Route One, was a business visitor to the city Saturday and paid us a visit.

G.C. Kempson and son, George, are spending the week in Leoma, Tennessee, as the guests of Mr. Kempson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kempson.

Ottis Denson spent Saturday and Sunday in Birmingham and attended the annual Sacred Harp Singing at the Jefferson County Courthouse.

Mr. and Mrs. George Stiefelmeyer and children have returned after a month’s vacation on an automobile trip to northern and eastern points.

Miss Emma Assell returned home Tuesday from Birmingham, where she has been the guest of her brother and family for the past three weeks.

Judge and Mrs. F.E. Saint John and son, Finis Saint John, returned home Wednesday after spending the past three weeks at Red Boiling Springs, Tennessee.

Mrs. B.E. Thornton and little son, B.E., Junior, left Tuesday morning for Red Bay to spend a week with her parents and old friends in that little city.

Master Maurice House, who has been sick for some time from the effect of measles, which he had early in the spring, is apparently beginning to recover.

Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Newman and children are spending the week in Tuscumbia on a visit to Mr. Newman’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Newman.

Reverend and Mrs. W.H. Aufderhaar, Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Stiefelmeyer and Mrs. Max Oeser attended the funeral of Reverend Ebinger in Birmingham, on Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Beaty will leave Sunday for Montgomery, where they will be until August 2nd and from there they expect to go to Barbour County to spend a few days with relatives. Mr. Beaty will return home Sunday week, while   Mrs.

Beaty will spend several days with relatives.

S.M. Lovelady was called to Hartselle Wednesday, to assist in conducting the Masonic funeral services of a Mr. Vest, a deceased member of Hartselle Masonic Lodge.

Mrs. F.B. Hughes and daughters, Mrs. Bill Hays and little son and Mrs. Kate Helms, of Steppville Route One, were shopping in the city Wednesday and paid our office a visit.

Misses Sarah, Eleanor, Pauline and Annie Neal Brown, of Birmingham were the weekend guests of Doctor and Mrs. J.P. Kessler in the city. The misses are sisters of Mrs. Kessler.

Mrs. Emil Buettner and Mrs. C.W. Derrick and sons motored to Decatur Thursday to visit Mrs. Walter Taylor (nee) Mae Hauk, who is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hauk.


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