Cullman City Council meets; bidding open on Fire Station No. 3

Amy Hasenbein Leonard

CULLMAN – The Cullman City Council met today instead of at their regularly scheduled meeting time on June 13, as the council did not expect to have a quorum for the regular meeting later this month.

The brief meeting was attended by Mayor Max Townson, Council President Garlan Gudger, Council President Pro Tem Jenny Folsom, Council Member Andy Page and Council Member Clint Hollingsworth. Member Johnny Cook is out of town on a scheduled business training trip.

With the last meeting’s minutes accepted and no report from the mayor, Hollingsworth reminded everyone that “Rock the South starts today and there’ll be a lot of folks out and about and a lot more people around our city this weekend. Hopefully it’ll be a good weekend for everyone!”

Bidding for construction of Cullman’s long-awaited Fire Station No. 3 is now open after approval was given by the council to the request submitted by Fire Chief Edward Reinhardt and Goodwyn, Mills & Cawood for a change to the planned exterior. Instead of siding, which would have required painting approximately every 15 years, the exterior will be brick, which is expected to need far less upkeep. The change was agreed upon by all members.

Anxious for the work to begin on the station, Gudger, after the request was voted on, exclaimed, “There we go! Thank goodness! Get us off of the ground as quick as we can.”

Gudger asked that the process be expedited after the bid is awarded to move the groundbreaking, construction and completion of the project along as efficiently as possible. Groundbreaking is expected to take place sometime in September, but possibly sooner if the awarded company moves swiftly.

Other requests were approved including one by Cody Hampton from Danville who was granted a special events permit to shoot a music video on June 14 from 6-10 p.m. at the city’s parking deck. The permit was granted with a stipulation that any noise complaints from neighbors would end the permit earlier than the scheduled 10 p.m. completion time.

A request from Cali Tidwell of Desperation Church for their annual July 4th firework celebration at Heritage Park was approved pending approval from the state, which is normal procedure. The event is scheduled from 5-9:30 p.m. Also, Northside Baptist Church’s vacation bible school special events permit was granted for June 14-17 and will run each night from 6:30-9 p.m.

All resolutions were passed including a contract, not to exceed $10,600, with Conn Surveyors for a boundary and topographical survey. Another contract for engineering services was issued to St. John and Associates for the budgeted amount of $7,000. Terracon was given a contract for a needed geotechnical report on an industrial site in the amount of $1,575.

Lastly, ADS Environmental Services, Inc., was awarded the bid for flow meters in the amount of $5,200 per meter, with a $1,000 return deposit issued per meter as well.

The Cullman City Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at City Hall Auditorium at 7 p.m. with a work session preceding the meeting. The meeting is open to the public and citizens are encouraged to attend.

The council meets next on Monday, June 27 at 7 p.m. at the City Hall Auditorium, where a public hearing is scheduled.