Good Hope City Council Meets; Presents Money for GHS Athletic Building, Talks Repayment from Former Clerk

Sharon Schuler Kreps

Photo: Good Hope City Council members present a check to Good Hope High School Coach Alan Scott for new athletic building for Good Hope High School. From left to right: Susan Eller, Matthew Glover, Good Hope Mayor Jerry Bartlett, Maxie Jones, Coach Alan Scott and John Harris.


GOOD HOPE – The Good Hope City Council met Monday night for a regular meeting, during which the council presented Good Hope High School Coach Alan Scott with more than $32,000 for the school’s new athletic building. Also discussed was a repayment agreement with the City's former clerk, who resigned her position in July 2013 after financial irregularities were discovered.

After normal housekeeping items, Mayor Jerry Bartlett and the members of the City Council presented a check for $32,244 to Coach Alan Scott to cover phase one of the construction of Good Hope High School’s new athletic building. The building will be located behind the high school’s gym and will hopefully be completed by August. The money given to Scott came from the City’s Alcohol Account.

“I can’t thank you all enough,” said Scott. “Both the male and female athletes at Good Hope will be able to use this new building, so I am very excited about the things that are coming up this school year.” 

Councilwoman Maxie Jones reminded everyone to please attend the Bavar Creek / Ryan Creek Watershed meeting on April 14 at 10 a.m. at Good Hope City Hall.

Councilwoman Susan Eller presented a letter from Grady Parsons, general manager of Living Water Services, LLC. The letter was an Ancillary Services Agreement with Good Hope Wastewater Systems which established a cap on the fee for services performed at $1,000/month. Should circumstances or work elements require additional time and/or resources to perform various assignments during a given month, the City would be informed when the designated cap for monthly billing is approached. This was voted on and approved by the council.

Eller also made a motion regarding the former city clerk. “I would like to make a motion to allow Mayor Bartlett to enter into an agreement with Lisa Dahlke to repay money owed to the City of Good Hope,” she said. The motion was approved. The former clerk resigned from her position in July 2013 after financial irregularities surfaced. Almost $3,000 in gift cards were purchased with the City’s Lowe’s charge account.  Dahlke met with the State Ethics Commission in the fall of 2013.

The Good Hope City Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Good Hope City Hall. Meetings are open to the public.