Residents Reminded of City Fireworks Ordinance

Hannah Ward/CullmanSense

CULLMAN – As Independence Day fast approaches, it is only fitting, for many, to buy fireworks to celebrate the great American holiday. The only problem is fireworks can be a safety hazard when set off inside city limits.

Cullman Police Chief, Kenny Culpepper, stated, “We have had people get hurt, a firework blow up in their hand. I’m sure we have had incidents of a grass fire.”

At all times while handling fireworks be aware of their potential danger to everyone in the vicinity.

Chief Culpepper explained, “Rarely do we give a citation. We do try to enforce it, but we understand that there are limits, especially on big holidays. If we do catch someone with fireworks, especially if it’s a repeat offender, we can give the citation and confiscate the fireworks.”

According to the city ordinance, residents can only handle fireworks if they receive a permit from the city.

The permit application must be submitted 30 days before the planned display.    

“It’s against the ordinance. It’s not that big of an issue day-to-day because if someone claims, we’ll go take care of it,” Culpepper said.

“Where it becomes an issue is the holidays, like Fourth of July and New Year’s,” he said.

Residents looking to enjoy fireworks without purchasing their own can enjoy the various public displays in the area.

SEE ALSO: Community to Hold Multiple Independence Day Celebrations

Cullman City Fireworks Ordinance

Cullman City Fireworks Ordinance by cullmansense