Singing Through Time

Sharon Schuler Kreps / CullmanSense

HANCEVILLE – On Friday, Feb. 27, the Wallace State Singers presented “Disney Through the Decades” for a crowd that consisted of lots of happy and excited children. The night’s showing was special in that it was Daddy-Daughter Date Night. Fathers, grandfathers, brothers and uncles were encouraged to bring their daughters, granddaughters, sisters or nieces to the show. The admission fee gifted each girl a photo with her favorite Disney princess from the show.

The show featured songs from Disney’s first feature-length animated film, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” all the way through the ever-popular “Frozen”. The excited audience heard a medley of songs from “Cinderella,” “Beauty and the Beast,” “Mary Poppins,” “The Lion King,” “The Little Mermaid” and many more.

“Most people in our culture have a long-standing relationship with Mickey Mouse,” said Tiffany Richter, director of the Wallace State Singers.

“I can look back over my childhood and connect memories with the Disney movies and cartoons I watched. It never fails to bring a sense of comfort and fondness.” “We have a three-fold mission this year with this show,” Richter said.

“To bring families together, reaching each generation with hits from Disney films; to highlight an evening of fun, family entertainment at a minimal cost; and to bring a sense of childhood magic to those who might have forgotten that all you need to fly is a little pixie dust, and when you wish upon a star, your dreams come true.”

Disney Dress-Up was the theme of the Saturday, Feb. 28 showing. Audience members, young and old, were encouraged to dress up as their favorite Disney character. 

“And Saturday night, we just want to put everyone in the Disney spirit and encourage people to dress up,” she added.

“Of course, everyone is welcome to every performance, but Disney is all about fun, so we’re having a little fun with the show.”

For more information about the Wallace State Singers, call 256-352-8277. Learn more about Wallace State’s Fine and Performing Arts program at