Home 2016
City School Board holds meeting 2 days before public forum
Photo: Vicki Miller, a fifth-grade science teacher at West Elementary School, was recognized by the board as one of three Alabama finalists for the...
Plenty of new business covered at Cullman City School Board meeting
CULLMAN - In addition to what was arguably the biggest news of this morning’s Cullman City School Board meeting- the transfer of Cullman High...
City School Board meets for PR training
CULLMAN - On Wednesday morning at the Red Door Café the Cullman City School Board – Kim Addison, Brenda Howell, Suzanne Harbin, Board President...
Mary Hovater announces candidacy for Cullman City School Board Place 1
CULLMAN - Mary Hovater has officially announced her candidacy for Cullman City School Board, Place 1. The seat is being vacated by Kim Addison,...