Files from Yesteryear: 1940


From the Files of 1940

The Junior II Class of Meek High School enjoyed a visit to the cotton gin at Nathen. This class has been studying a unit about slavery and the invention and improvements of the cotton gin.


By: Daisy Denson

The two sections of the second grade have been studying farm animals. They are making notebooks and putting pictures of each animal in their books. They especially enjoyed writing poems about the animals.

The Meek School has been very successful in adding to its library. More than 350 books have been added. Miss Ethel Curtis has charge of the library with the following students: Christine Parris, Lavina Lay, Eloise Long, Hoyt Murphree, Buron Forsythe and Elizabeth Evans.

By: Elizabeth Evans

The Junior II Class held an election for county, state and national officers on November 7th. The election was held by Mr. William B. Mauldin, the history teacher of the class. The majority voted straight tickets and a few voted mixed tickets. The class used real ballots that were left over from the General Election on November 5th. The managers were: Leldon Lay, Marie Hammer, Fermon Fincher and Latha Hammer.

Every Democrat won by small majorities. Mr. Roosevelt led Mr. Wilkie, 14 votes to 12.

By: John Smith

The Kiddie Band of Meek High is about to come out in their new costumes and will be ready to play soon. The band consists of Ruth Bates, Gales Hammer, Margie Murphree, Carol Davis, Eloise Knight, Dolphus Smith, Harry Kilpatric, Doris Walker, GaNell Horn, Donald Pepper, Mae Walker and many others, under the instruction of Miss Parilee Short. Some of the instruments are: drums, triangles, sticks, bells and blocks, tambourines and clogs.

By: Clara Parris

Thirteen little kiddies enjoyed the hospitality of the Senior II Home Economics girls on Thursday afternoon at one o’clock. Carefully planned games were enjoyed by the children, after which refreshments were served. The children present were: Bonnie Jones, Gala Ann Mealer, Imogene Wade, Sue Davis, Janet Hammer, Charlotte Wadsworth, John Earl Briscoe, Dicky and Marshie Tingle, Jerry Kilpatric and Kenneth Key.

By: Floy Anderson

Meek School News

Meek Wins Over Bear Creek, 18 To 0

The Meek football team met Bear Creek in a very interesting game on Friday afternoon. Meek scored in the first quarter of the game, then again in the third quarter and still again in the fourth quarter. Meek’s offense consisted of line drives, with several first downs made in this way, while Bear Creek relied mostly upon passes. Voyte Cleghorn, the quarterback, made two touchdowns and Lois Lindley, one of the halfbacks, made the other. The entire team showed team spirit and played a great game of ball. In the line, Delma Hendon, Austin Wade, Joe Thomas and Elber Hendon were outstanding. Voyte Cleghorn, Lois Lindley, Garfield Woodard and Malcolm Baldwin did some splendid playing in the back field.

Malcolm Baldwin and Christine Parris were crowned King and Queen of the Halloween Carnival, held in the Meek High School auditorium on Thursday night, October 31st. They are of the Senior III Class, which also sponsored the carnival. The runner-ups in the contest were: Helen Hyatt and Lois Lindley, Junior III’s. The other candidates were: Margaret Cox and Austin Wade, Senior II’s, Maxine Baird and L.H. Lindsey, Senior I’s, Gladys Williams and Leldon Lay, Junior II’s and Colene Wisner and Travis Burton, Junior I’s.

The Prince and Princess of the Carnival were: Gales Hammer and Alice Jean Brown, of primer and second grade. Other candidates were: Juanita Harold Mauldin, sixth grade, Marvin Densmore, second grade, Avolee Dunn and Ralph McCully, Mrs. Gray’s second grade and Ruth Bates, of the Primer.

Buron Forsyth, playing the part of Gravis Mayfield in the play, “Gravis and Gravis Junior,” a two act play, given by the Senior III’s was the leading man. Other characters were: Theo Dunn, Mrs. Gravis Mayfield, Floyd Walker, Gravis Junior, Paul Davis as Ben, a negro servant, Arlene Scoggin, as Liz, another negro servant and Malcolm Bauldin played the part of Doctor Forster.

There were many side shows. A death chamber was operated by the Senior I’s and was run by Willodean Lansford, Myrt Wade, Max Manner and Mrs. Charles Gibson. The Art Gallery was run by Roy Hendon and J.D. Barron. The fish pond was run by Miss Bertha Falls and Paul Davis, Hoyt Murphree was in charge of the guest turkey and the penny toss was run by Coach Bailey and Earnest Lansford. A lunch stand was run by Eleanor Denson, Mavis Wooton, Miss Bramblett, Gladys Wooten and Evoline Denson.

The proceeds of the side shows, King and Queen and play were given to the Senior Class.