Files from Yesteryear: 1904, 1934


From the Files of 1904:

The Right Reverend Benedict Menges, O.S.B. Abbott of Saint Bernard died on Monday, after a long illness. He founded the college in 1892.

Carl Hartung will manage the teams. T.D. McMinn will be umpire and George Stiefelmeyer will be scorekeeper when the Fats play the Leans at Saint Bernard on July 25th. The proceeds (if there are any) will go to the Cullman Fire Department. Playing on the “Fat” team will be Doctor F.B. Burnam, John Krehaus, George Werner, George Beyer, Al Richter, G.W.  Hardin, John Gerdes, W.A.  Schlosser, Doctor B.  M.  Kinney, S.L. Fuller, M.H. Bogue, F.E Saint John, John Shannon, O.S. Roden, A.A Griffith and Graves Jones. The “Leans” team includes Doctor L. Hays, J.B. Drake, C.B. Sargent, Ira Childs, John Allgood, Al Schavfler, Casper Mages, Adam Dreher, Junior, Leo Kullman, Dock Searcy, Phillip Hartung, George Hewlett, Otho Stahl, Richard Brown and Clint Humphrey.

George Graf has bought the T.I. Humphrey Produce business.

John McConnell, of Birmingham, is a guest of his relative, Treasurer J.A. McConnell.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tilford left Tuesday for the fair in Saint Louis and George Markland returned Saturday after a visit to the fair in Saint Louis.

John Wertz died here yesterday.

Professor Asa B. Murphree opened his school at Crane Hill on Monday.

Miss Della Harden and R.A. Rooker were married on Saturday.

Misses Della Phillips and Rosy and Virginia Glasscock visited Misses Roxie and Ruth Duke on Saturday night.

A.G. Sutton spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. W.H. Whisenhunt.

From the Files of 1934:

Miss Ruth Fehler is in Chicago, this week, visiting the Century of Progress Exposition.

First Baptist, First Christian, Christ English Lutheran, Saint John’s Evangelical and First Methodist Churches are holding union services during July and August, on Sunday evenings.

Doctor C.E. Herrin is attending a clinic in Denver, Colorado.

Mrs. Herman Sapp and little daughter, Carolyn, of Albany, Georgia are guests of Mrs. Charles Watson.

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