2nd annual Poor Man Poker Run this Saturday on Smith Lake


CULLMAN, Ala. – The annual Poor Man Poker Run returns to Lewis Smith Lake Saturday to raise money for The Smith Lake Task Force and Wake the World Alabama. Registration is $30. There will be a pre-party for players at The Barn at Smith Lake Friday, Aug. 2 from 6-8 p.m. The Poker Run is Saturday, Aug. 3 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m.         

David Dempsey of Craw Daddy Dave’s, shared what inspired him to start the event, saying, “The Mike Beasley Poker Run was the real incentive and idea behind this. Everyone was asking about the Mike Beasley Poker Run that stopped a couple of years ago. So I decided to start this up. The people wanted something fun to do and I thought it would be a great way for lake folks to meet their lake neighbors and raise some money for lake charities.”

He continued, “What makes our poker run different from any other is we use scratch off cards and a registration card for each player. Unlike most poker runs that have 5 to 7 stops, we have 19 stops located all over the entire lake. So the players can start closest to their location. They can make as many or as few stops as they wish before ending up at Trident Marina where they turn in their hands.”         

This year’s Poor Man Poker Run will have prizes donated by companies and people all around Smith Lake, which are given out through scratch off cards from the docks, Dempsey noted.

Said Dempsey, “The last thing we are doing this year is boats will be drawing colored poker chips at five docks. No one will know how much these chips are worth until they get to the Trident Marina. We will draw values for each color chip, and whoever has the highest value will win.”

Dempsey also credited fellow organizer Brian Czup, who created the Facebook page for the Poker Run and is the creator of the Lewis Smith Lake, Alabama Facebook group.

“There’s no way I could do these events without him,” he said.

“I’m happy to be a part of this and the Spook the Lake events. They’ve been fun putting together and everybody who participates loves having more things to do while at the lake and especially meeting other lake people. The Facebook group has been an excellent fit for organizing and promoting these events as well,” said Czup. “David is just a friendly, happy-go-lucky guy who has become somewhat of a minor local celebrity with his Popsicle Princess and now these popular events. We just seemed to have hit it off from the beginning.”

How to play (provided by event organizers):

The objective is for players to make at least 5 stops and collect 5 scratch off cards which will reveal your poker hand. A “stop” is a predetermined boat dock which will be handing out cards (and maybe other goodies) to players. The best poker hands will be judged and declared the winners. There are plenty of poker stops along all 3 major creeks of Smith Lake so need to worry about running all over the lake.

On Poker Run day, take your boat to the docks on the map in your packet, show them your player card/number, the dock will give you a scratch off poker card and you add it to your hand! You need to have at least 5 playable cards (some cards are for door prizes) to win. Compile your best hand and turn it in at Trident Grille at 4 p.m. and we’ll tell you who wins! If you get a door prize card, turn it in and we’ll let you draw for a door prize.

To register and view the rules, visit www.lewissmithlake.com/product/pmpr-reg/.

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