Legendary Locals of Cullman County


Cullman’s Historic Figures Are Featured


CULLMAN – Cullman has a rich history, and to help spread knowledge of our grand history, a new book has been written. “Legendary Locals of Cullman County,” written by Kay Cagle and Greg Richter, takes a look at many notable people from Cullman, both from the past as well as the present.


“Arcadia was looking for someone to work on a book about Cullman as part of a series,” explained Richter. “They contacted Deb (Laslie), who knew Kay, so she brought it up to her. Kay contacted me because I was President of the Historical Society that year. When she called me up, she asked if we could meet and maybe I could help her out finding some of the older pictures and people. So then we were meeting she said, ‘Well, actually I wouldn’t mind having somebody help me write it, would you be interested?’ I thought about it and then told her I would.”


“My part in writing the book was organization and knowing who to get in contact with,” smiled Cagle. “Greg and I really worked well together – we didn’t kill each other,” she giggled.  


The duo held a book signing at Deb’s Bookstore on Friday from 3-6 p.m. Both were very excited to sign copies of their book for the many fans that showed up wanting copies of their own. Some folks even bought extra copies to give as Christmas and birthday gifts. As an added bit of fun, Colonel Cullmann, also known as Larry Rowlette, made an appearance at the bookstore. Because he is one of the people featured in the book, he signed a few books as well.


The following was taken from the back of the book, “Legendary Locals of Cullman County”.


“In search of opportunity and freedom from oppression, European emigrants boarded ships, leaving behind their ancestral homes. They carved new lives from the unknown wilderness in the American South. The Speegle family settled in what would become southwest Cullman County, and the Brindley family claimed lands to the north. From the historic Streight’s Raid exploit of the Civil War to the agricultural and social development of this region of northern Alabama, these early pioneers marched into history. In 1865, Col. Johann G. Cullmann, who was disillusioned with the anarchism in his native Germany, also sought new opportunity in America, eventually settling in Alabama. After being enticed by Colonel Cullmann’s descriptive words of the area’s virgin timber and fertile soils, five German families joined him. Encouraged by what they found, optimism flourished, word spread, and Cullman County’s destiny was set. Its growth has been constant, and, today, its expansion is propelling the area to new heights of economic prominence.”


If you are interested in purchasing a copy of your own, you can find them at Deb’s Bookstore located at 207 3rd St SW in Cullman. Feel free to give Deb a call at 256-736-2622 if you have any questions or comments about the book.