Files from Yesteryear: 1938


From the Files of 1938:

Kelton Whaley, of Vinemont, tells that his brother-in-law, Tom C. Thomason, who is a salesman in the Carolina region, happened upon some excitement, recently. In Winston-Salem, North Carolina, he picked up an extra passenger, who desired a free ride to Greensboro, North Carolina. Arriving in Greensboro, the hiker stated that he was broke and Mr. Thomason, big-heartedly invited him to have lunch.

The hitchhiker waited in front of a hotel, while his host-to-be parked his car. When Thomason returned, he found that his guest was in the custody of two cops. The cops relieved the hitchhiker of two pistols, two knives and $340.00 in cash. He was charged with robbing a filling station. Mr. Thomason was saved the price of a meal.


J.M. Bright, well-known and beloved citizen of Cullman, died at his home, late Monday morning, following a heart attack, suffered in the early morning hours.

The deceased was born in Henry County, Georgia, on January 15th, 1871. He came to Alabama at the age of 16 and lived at Eidson’s Chapel, near Baileyton. He was graduated from Blount College. At the Blount Military School he served as captain. While teaching in the College at Blountsville, he married Miss Ella Barclift. He also taught in several of the rural schools in Blount County.

Leaving the teaching profession, Mr. Bright moved to Albertville, where he became engaged in the mercantile business. He moved to Cullman thirty-seven years ago and entered the livery and sales stable business and continued in this business, until his death.

Mr. Bright was active in the church, educational and political fields. He was one of the runners up in the first Democratic Primary in May for the office of Tax Collector.

He was a highly esteemed, as well as a serviceable Christian citizen. He was a member of the Board of Stewards at the Methodist Church for 36 years. For many years, he served as superintendent of the Church School. He had the courage to fight for temperance and the majority of the citizens respected his convictions.

For eighteen years, he untiringly served on the Cullman County Board of Education. He was ever willing to assist the youths in their problems. His many years of service in the education field bespeaks the confidence the voters of this county had in his ability.

Surviving Mr. Bright are one daughter, Mrs. Clifford Gladney, of Jasper; one son, Kellet Bright, of Cullman; one granddaughter, Miss Madlyn Bright Gladney, of Jasper; one brother, George, of Arab; two sisters, Mrs. Jane Barnett, of Gadsden and Mrs. Dora Albritton, of Albertville.

Funeral services were conducted from the Methodist Church at 4:00 p.m., on Tuesday, August 23rd, with Reverend L. G. Sturdivant, of Florence, Reverend K.N. Matthews, of Cullman, Reverend M.E. Lazenby, of Decatur and Reverend W.G. Bartee, of Albertville, officiating.

The active pallbearers were: Doctor W.J. Cottingham, Doctor E.D. McAdory, Superintendent of Education, R.E. Moore, Richard Brown, A.F. Stinson and T.F. Gladney. The honorary pallbearers included: Judge A.A. Griffith, Judge S.J. Griffin, Probate Judge, Homer F. Mitchell, Professor Gilbert Patrick, Doctor T. Arthur Robinson, Doctor H.G. Dowling, M.L. Robertson, Doctor C. Stewart, F.W. Hurston, L.L. Thompson, D.T. Kinney, John Kilgore and Joe Sapp.

Interment was in the Protestant Cemetery, with Fischer and Son in charge.


Miss Jean Gantt entertained at a watermelon cutting at Kinser’s Camp, in Garden City, on Monday evening, in honor of her guest, Miss Rubye Anderson, of Prattville.

Those present were Rubye Anderson, Rubye and Ruthella Ashwander, Harriett Robertson, Elinor McGlawn, Lorene and Era Ann Gray, Nina, Jean and Edith Gantt, Paul Jernigan, of Ozark, Harold McGlawn, Fred Lewis Rimel, Frank and Robert Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Guyles Combs and Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Gantt