Files from Yesteryear: 1898, 1917 and 1940


From the Files of 1898:

Logan is rapidly becoming an important town. The density of the population of the community may be estimated from the fact that there are 500 school children within walking distance of the place.

Cullman went Democratic in the Tuesday elections.

T.W. Gray is contemplating moving to Decatur, where he is now constructing a number of buildings.

Mrs. W.E. Morris returned on Saturday from a visit to relatives in Greensboro.

“Little Joe” Wheeler, hero of two wars, was in Cullman, on Thursday.

W.T.L. Cofer spent several days in Decatur this week.

A.H. O’Rear, of Jones Chapel, left for Georgia on Saturday.

There is talk of extending the corporate limits to include West Cullman.

George Newman has recovered from a severe attack of typhoid fever.

Professor E.M. Kelley, of Bremen, was in Cullman on Wednesday.

Miss Eva Cagle and Albert Harper were married recently.

Invitations have been sent announcing the marriage of Attorney Joel B. Brown and Miss Minnie Heidelberg. The wedding will take place on November 24th at the First Methodist Church.

Professor S.H. Green spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks in Falkville.

There will be an all-day singing, at Antioch, next Sunday.

The “Peak Sisters,” entertainers, have dedicated a song to the “Dudes of Cullman,” which they will sing here on Friday night. The local dudes should turn out in full force to hear their praises sung.

From the Files of 1917:

Reverend Clay I. Hudson, of Athens, will become pastor of the First Baptist Church on the first of January.

Marion Jackson, Dick Sandlin, Lucy and Martha Buckelew and Monroe Partain were injured in a surrey accident, on Saturday.

Doctor J.J. Armstrong returned on Monday from Arizona.

Miss Ethel Powell, expression teacher, will spend the holidays in New York City.

14,178 bales of cotton from the 1917 crop had been ginned, up to December 1st, as compared to 16,958 bales up to that date in 1916.

Albert Lee is improving, following an attack of pneumonia.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kirk will leave next week to make their home in Akron, Ohio.

Wiley Helton has sold his blacksmith shop, at Walter, to Arthur Whitaker.

Married on December 9th were Miss Hessie Moore, of Walter and Ped McDowell, of Georgia.

Reverend and Mrs. B.F. Foster will spend the holidays in Lexington, Kentucky.

Herbert Golden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Golden, of Hanceville, died in New York, the victim of pneumonia. He had entered the army several months ago.

There will be a Christmas tree, at Fairview School, on Christmas Eve night.

Mrs. George Buckelew now has a fine flock of white leghorn hens.

Oscar Mann is one of the newest arrivals at Camp Pike, Arkansas.

From the Files of 1940:

Beech Grove News

Misses Olive McElroy and Wynell Hathcoat spent Wednesday afternoon with Miss Elaine Scott.

Mr. and Mrs. K.L. Clay spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Guthery, of Logan.

Misses Marie and Geneva Johnston and Lois White spent Sunday with Miss Edith Chapman.

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Stricklin and family, of White City, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day.

Mr. Gene Ryan spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Lydia Ryan.

The community is saddened by the injury of Mrs. Rape and mourn the death of Mrs. Sargent. Mrs. Rape is reported to be improving nicely.

Allie Mae Myres spent Sunday night with Tressie and Mildred Stricklin.

The B.Y.P.U. at Beech Grove is coming along nicely. Everyone is invited to be with us.

Mrs. Clois Rainey is soon to become a resident of Beech Grove.

Allie Mae Myres and Tressie Stricklin enjoyed the musical entertainment, at Prospect, on Saturday night.

Mr. D.L. McCann was the guest of Mildred Higginbotham on Saturday night.

Mr. Joe McLeroy spent Wednesday with Mrs. Lee Hathcoat.


Logan News

Several of the children are having to miss school because of the chicken pox.

Mrs. Otis Watson, of Birmingham, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Denson last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Garvin Kilgo, of Jones Chapel, spent Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kilgo.

The ballgame at Logan, on Friday night, was a great success.

We are glad to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Gammon, who have moved to Logan.

Mr. Leon Rushing has returned from Florida.

The play, “An Old-Fashioned Mother,” sponsored by the Junior III class was well attended.

Mr. E.L. Entrikin, of Anniston, spent the weekend at home.

Mr. Doc Knight, of Good Hope, was in Logan on Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Travis Belcher, of Birmingham, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs. Belcher’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Vickey.

Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Trimble spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Oren Denson.

Jobs were found for 3,758 by the Alabama State Employment Service during November. Of this total, 2,894 went to jobs in private industry, 649 to public works and 215 were classified as supplementary placements, in which the Employment Service had a part. Placements in November ran the total for 1940 by the Alabama State Employment Service to 50,024.

An indication of Alabama’s rapidly advancing business is given by comments of the Department of Industrial Relations in the November report, which was made public by Judge John D. Petree, Director of Industrial Relations. The number of continued claims for unemployment benefits (claims filed for subsequent weeks of unemployment after the original claims were submitted by the same claimants) was 13 percent smaller than in October. Benefit payment checks decreased 16 percent, while the total amount of benefit payments decreased 15 percent.

Mixed candy (pound) – 10 cents

Chocolate candy (pound) – 10 cents

Coconuts (each) – 5 to 7 cents

Apples and oranges (dozen) – 10 cents

Sliced bacon (pound) – 19 cents

Raths Bacon (1-2 package) – 15 cents

Pork Roast (pound) – 13 ½ cents

Dressed hens (pound) 22 ½ cents

All kinds dressed fowl, give us

 your order now!

Lettuce and celery – 7 ½ cents


White Star Market

Phone 108

Surely no Cullman County person would keep my light male setter bird dog, if he knew how much he means to me. The dog has black ears, stiff hind leg, J.A. Thornhill, of Decatur, on collar plate. He was lost near Jones Chapel, on December 7th. Reward will be given by J.A. Thornhill, Decatur, Alabama.




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