FAITH: ‘I’m excited to live for the Lord every day’: West Point’s Katie Beth Yovino talks about how God has changed her life

Pictured are Patton Fell (left) and Katie Beth Yovino (right). (courtesy of Katie Beth Yovino)

WEST POINT, Ala. — Katie Beth Yovino is a senior at West Point High School this year and in this interview, she discussed the way God has changed her life and the role He has played in her journey.

“Ever since around September, I was always struggling with thoughts of not being good enough in anything I do, whether it was sports or just like classes in school. I was always thinking that I wasn’t good enough, and I just couldn’t shake it. It didn’t occur to me why I was feeling like this, until January, when I was at Snowbird (which is like a church retreat), that they said that worldly things will satisfy you for a moment, but when you have God, nothing in the world compares. This made me think about if I was chasing worldly things to try and satisfy me, which I was. I have now come to realize that is why I never felt like enough. However, I just put it in the back of my mind and tried not to think about it, because, for a long time, I have told myself that I am saved and that I got saved when I was young.”

Yovino added,

“Then, I realized that I really didn’t know what it meant to have a true personal relationship with Jesus. I always felt like a part of me was just missing, and then, I realized I still wasn’t giving it my all. I wasn’t fully surrendered. On a Thursday night at Mission Blitz, Matt Brown was preaching, and he said to stop being on the fence and just fully submit to God. It made me think about if I was really saved. The next day, I couldn’t help but think about how I wasn’t truly saved and how I couldn’t live another day without being fully surrendered to God. On Friday, June 21st, I made the decision to follow Christ. At first, I was scared to get saved, because I thought I already was, and I was scared of what people would think. I didn’t want them to think that I’ve lied about it this whole time. It’s safe to say that it’s been the best decision I’ve ever made. Since making this decision, I’ve had so much peace and joy that I can’t put into words. I’m so thankful for all of the people who have helped me along the way. I’m so glad that I have the love and support that my church family gives me on a daily basis, and I’m excited to live for the Lord every day.”

Katie learned a couple of important things during that experience and shared some of her favorite Bible verses.

“I learned that God is always by your side, no matter what you do, and that things will happen on His timing only, so don’t rush it,” Yovino said. ” My favorite Bible verses are Proverbs 3:5-6, because it reminds me to put my trust in God, and everything will work out how’s it supposed to, 1 Corinthians 10:31, because it reminds me that everything I do should be for the glory of God and not myself, and 1 Corinthians 16:14, which reminds me to do everything with love. These have changed my life, because they change my perspective on the way that I should do things and how I should carry myself through life.”

She talked being that Godly role model for so many people and has been on a couple of missions that really changed her life.

“Mainly, I try to be very positive, even in hard situations, and keep a positive outlook on life,” she said. “Every year since I’ve been old enough, I have participated in Mission Blitz, which is basically where we go around the Cullman community and do mission work in Cullman, so that is one of my favorites. I went on a mission trip to Panama City a few years ago, and that was a great experience. The Panama City trip was really an eye-opener of how good I have things and helped me not take things for granted.”

Katie wants impact on a lot of kids as well and she gave advice to those people that want a relationship with God but are new to that experience. She feels blessed to have a lot of Godly role models in her own life

“It means the world to me. The thought of steering one person towards the Lord would be enough, so to think that there are a bunch makes me happy,” she said. “Ask somebody. If they know anybody who goes to church, and they have questions, then they should feel more than welcome to ask about it. I’ve learned to trust God, no matter the circumstances.”

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